The Marketing Career Cluster includes career opportunities whose processes create, communicate, and deliver value to customers and manage customer relationships in ways that benefit the organization and its stakeholders.
On May 4, 2022 the Connecticut State Board of Education adopted the MBA Research Standards for the Career Clusters of Business Management & Administration, Finance, and Marketing. The MBA Research Standards reflect the importance of equipping students with the skills and knowledge needed for any career in business. The MBA Research standards are organized on the premise of starting broad and narrowing in specificity as the student progresses in their program of study. This ensures that students enter the workforce, college, or a career with an understanding of these core concepts.
- Standards | Business Education Guidelines | MBA Research
- Grade 8 National Standards for Personal Finance Education Crosswalk to National Business Administration Standards
- Grade 12 National Standards for Personal Finance Education Crosswalk to National Business Administration Standards
- Access the Business Administration Core Standards which apply to all three Business-related Career Clusters (
- Access the Marketing Career Cluster Standards and associated Marketing Career Pathways Standards (
- Learn about the MBA Research Approach to Entrepreneurship which integrates Entrepreneurship across all Career Clusters within the standards: Entrepreneurship Explanation
Educator Resources:
- MBA - Business Ethics Resources
- MBA - Project Management Resources
- MBA - Project Based Learning
- MBA Learning Activity Packages (LAPS)
- MBA – Webinars on a variety of topics to assist teachers
- University of Pennsylvania – Business and Marketing Resources
- Business and Marketing Resources
- Business and Marketing Resources
- CT DECA - Home | Facebook
- DECA Inc. - DECA Inc
See also Personal Finance as courses in Personal Finance or Financial Literacy can be listed appropriately in Programs of Study in the Business Management & Administration, Finance, or Marketing Career Clusters as part of a program of study.