Connecticut Learning Hub
Tools and Resources for CT families, students and educators to support online and offline learning.
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Agricultural Science and Technology (ASTE)
Agricultural Science and Technology Education (ASTE) programs serve secondary students in full- and shared- time programs. ASTE programs prepare students for college and careers in animal science, agribusiness, agricultural mechanics, aquaculture, biotechnology, food science, marine technology, natural resources, and plant science.
Apply to a School Choice Program
The Connecticut State Department of Education’s (CSDE) commitment to public school choice is evident in the different types of public school choice programming available statewide.
Charter schools are publicly funded schools that are run independently of the school district and may also have a specialized focus. Charters are granted by the State Board of Education and schools may enroll students in Grades PK-12 as established in their charters.
The Connecticut State Department of Education’s (CSDE) commitment to public school choice is evident in the five different types of public school choice programming available statewide.
Connecticut Technical Education and Career System
The mission of the Connecticut Technical Education and Career System (CTECS) is to provide a world-class, unique and rigorous learning environment for high schools students and adult learners that ensures both student academic success and trade/technology mastery and instills a zest for lifelong learning.
Connecticut public school choice programs are an opportunity to raise student achievement and reduce racial, ethnic and economic isolation. Explore your choices by finding a school or district program.
Guidelines for Alternative Education Settings
These guidelines are designed to support the operation of alternative education settings (schools or programs) offered by local and regional boards of education. The purpose of the guidelines is to ensure improved program designs and greater outcomes for students in alternative education settings.
Homeschooling as an Option to Public School Education
School Choice programs and interdistrict magnet schools are designed to attract students from different school districts to learn together in settings that offer unique, high-quality, themed educational opportunities.
The Open Choice program allows urban students to attend public schools in nearby suburban towns.
Public School Choice In Connecticut
Information on the five different types of public school choices available statewide.
The Regional School Choice Office (RSCO) was created in partnership with operator districts to manage the Open Choice and magnet school choice process in response to the Milo Sheff, et al. v. William O’Neill, et al case and the decision in 1997.