Connecticut Learning Hub
Tools and Resources for CT families, students and educators to support online and offline learning.
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An Act Concerning Social Equity and the Health, Safety, and Education of Children.
Good attendance is essential to student achievement! Research shows that absences add up and that good attendance is essential to student achievement and graduation. Whereas, chronic absence and truancy can be lead to school drop-out, academic failure and juvenile delinquency. By removing barriers to attendance, districts, schools and community partners can improve attendance.
Clinical Procedure Guidelines for Connecticut School Nurses
These guidelines are intended to help school nurses develop the procedural aspects of individual health care plans for students with special health care needs and in providing task-specific training for other school personnel, when indicated.
Comprehensive Health Services and Sexual Health Services
Guidance and resources for increase adolescents' access to comprehensive health services and sexual health services.
Comprehensive School Health Education
Guidance and resources for developing, implementing, and evaluating a planned, sequential school health education program.
Concussion Education Plan and Guidelines for Connecticut Schools
These guidelines provide accurate information, resources, and guidance for school districts to implement concussion education plans.
Education Guidelines for the Prevention and Management of Lead Poisoning in Children
These guidelines address lead prevention; early identification of students exposed and affected by lead; and educational programming in response to lead exposure in order to mitigate existing or potential deficits.
Exemplary Sexual Health Education
Guidance and resources for developing, implementing, and evaluating an Exemplary Sexual Health Education (ESHE), which is a systematic, evidence-informed approach to sexual health education.
Field Trips: Guidance for School Nurses
These guidelines provide school nurses and school districts with information, resources, and guidance needed to develop safe plans for the health care needs all students on field trips. School nurses should use these guidelines in conjunction with their individual school district policies and procedures.
Guidelines for Blood Glucose Self-monitoring in Connecticut Schools
Recommendations for developing policies that help students with diabetes monitor their blood glucose levels in school settings.
Guidelines for Managing Life-threatening Food Allergies in Connecticut Schools
These guidelines assist Connecticut schools in managing the health and safety needs of children with life-threatening allergic conditions. Management of the health and safety needs of students with glycogen storage disease (GSD) is also included.
Health Services Program Information Survey Reports
Results of a yearly survey on school health services in Connecticut’s public schools.
Healthy School Communities for Successful Students Partnership (Health Education)
Information on the Connecticut State Department of Education’s grant to increase the capacity of states and local school districts to implement policies and practices in the area of sexual health that improve students’ health and academic outcomes.
Diabetes is one of the most common chronic diseases in school-aged children, affecting approximately 215,000 young people in the United States, or about 1 in every 400 to 500 young people under 20 years of age.
Preventing Teen Dating Violence, Promoting Healthy Relationships, and Domestic Violence Resources
Legislation, resources, and guidance for schools on preventing teen dating violence and promoting healthy relationships.