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Data, statistics, and reports about schools, districts, and the state
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Agricultural Science and Technology (ASTE)
Agricultural Science and Technology Education (ASTE) programs serve secondary students in full- and shared- time programs. ASTE programs prepare students for college and careers in animal science, agribusiness, agricultural mechanics, aquaculture, biotechnology, food science, marine technology, natural resources, and plant science.
Food Service Management Company
Guidance on meeting the state and federal requirements for contracting with vendors and food service management companies in the U.S. Department of Agriculture's Child Nutrition Programs.
Resources for Students and Families
This page contains secondary transition resources for students and families.
This page contains Secondary Transition Documents and Forms in the following areas: Secondary Transition Planning, Transition Assessments, Postsecondary Outcome Goal Statements & Annual Goals and Objectives, Self-Advocacy and Self-Determination, Student Success Plans (SSPs), and Summary of Performance (SOP).
Food Safety for Child Nutrition Programs
Guidance on meeting the state and federal food safety requirements for the U.S. Department of Agriculture's Child Nutrition Programs.
Eligibility to Receive Reallocated Funds
Title I, Part A reallocation procedures
FAQ about Title I, Part A reallocation procedures
Seven areas of focus for the Connecticut State Department of Education in 2024-25
Connecticut FAFSA Challenge Continues as States Completion Rates Outpace National Averages
TEAM Training - Schedule and Registration
Descriptions, registration and schedule of TEAM program training for reviewers and mentors.