Eligibility to Receive Reallocated Funds
To be eligible to receive funds, LEAs must:
- Have a Title I Part A allocation greater than $0 for the current award year
- Have not received a waiver in the last three years
- Has not requested a waiver to exceed the 15% limitation to carryover funds in the year requesting reallocated Title I funds
- Submit a letter of interest including:
- The amount of funds requested
- Statement of need of the population/ community to be served
- Intended use of the funds and alignment to needs assessment/ school improvement plans & stakeholder feedback (evidence-based practices linked to outcomes).
- Assurance that the LEA has current internal capacity to expediently put the programming in place should the additional funds become available
Priority will be given to LEAs with a history of fiscal and program compliance (adherence to priority application deadlines, no expenditure reports outstanding, etc.)