Eligibility to Receive Reallocated Funds

To be eligible to receive funds, LEAs must:

  1. Have a Title I Part A allocation greater than $0 for the current award year
  2. Have not received a waiver in the last three years
  3. Has not requested a waiver to exceed the 15% limitation to carryover funds in the year requesting reallocated Title I funds
  4. Submit a letter of interest including:
    1. The amount of funds requested
    2. Statement of need of the population/ community to be served
    3. Intended use of the funds and alignment to needs assessment/ school improvement plans & stakeholder feedback (evidence-based practices linked to outcomes).
    4. Assurance that the LEA has current internal capacity to expediently put the programming in place should the additional funds become available

Priority will be given to LEAs with a history of fiscal and program compliance (adherence to priority application deadlines, no expenditure reports outstanding, etc.)