Crediting Documentation for the Child Nutrition Programs


Child Nutrition Programs webpage  |   School Nutrition Programs webpage
CACFP webpage  |   SFSP webpage

This webpage contains guidance and resources for meeting the crediting documentation requirements for foods and beverages offered in reimbursable meals and snacks in the U.S. Department of Agriculture's (USDA) Child Nutrition Programs (CNPs). The CNPs include the school nutrition programs, the Child and Adult Care Food Programs (CACFP), and the Summer Food Service Program (SFSP).

The USDA requires crediting documentation to demonstrate how menu items meet the requirements of the meal pattern regulations. CNP sponsors must maintain appropriate crediting documentation for all commercial processed products and all foods made from scratch that shows how the serving contributes to the required meal components (meats/meat alternates (MMA), grains, vegetables, fruits, and milk) for each age or grade group. For example, to credit a commercial chicken patty as 2 ounce equivalents of the MMA component, the manufacturer’s documentation must indicate that the serving contains 2 ounces of cooked chicken. For guidance on the crediting requirements, visit the applicable crediting webpage for each CNP.

Commercial Processed Products  |   Foods Made from Scratch  |   Storing Documentation

Commercial Processed Products

The acceptable types of crediting documentation for commercial processed foods include any of the documents below.

  • Child Nutrition (CN) label: A CN label is a USDA-approved statement that clearly identifies the contribution of a commercial product toward the meal pattern requirements. Allowable CN label documentation includes 1) the original CN label from the product carton; 2) a photocopy or photograph of the CN label shown attached to the original product carton; or 3) a CN label copied with a watermark displaying the product name and CN number provided by the vendor, attached to the bill of lading (invoice).
  • Product formulation statement (PFS): A PFS is a document developed by manufacturers that provides specific information about how a product credits toward the meal patterns. The PFS must be signed by an official of the manufacturer and state the amount of each meal component contained in one serving of the product. A PFS is required for all commercial processed products without a CN label that are not listed in the USDA’s Food Buying Guide for Child Nutrition Programs. CNP sponsors must obtain and verify the PFS for accuracy prior to purchasing, serving, and claiming the food product in reimbursable meals and snacks. 

These are the only acceptable records for documenting a commercial processed product’s contribution to the USDA meal patterns. Without this documentation, commercial processed products do not credit in reimbursable meals and snacks.

Foods Made from Scratch

The USDA regulations require standardized recipes for all foods made from scratch offered in reimbursable meals and snacks in the National School Lunch Program (NSLP), School Breakfast Program (SBP), Afterschool Snack Program (ASP) of the NSLP, and Seamless Summer Option (SSO) of the NSLP. Sponsors of the Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP) and Summer Food Service Program (SFSP) must also have recipes on file (preferably standardized recipes) for all foods prepared from scratch. Some examples of foods made from scratch include entrees (e.g., lasagna, chicken stir-fry, sandwiches, and macaroni and cheese), baked goods like cornbread and muffins, and prepared fruits and vegetables with added ingredients, e.g., coleslaw, potato salad, and soups. 

Storing Documentation

Sponsors must maintain all crediting documentation on file in accordance with the records retention requirements for the CNPs. This documentation must be current and available for the CSDE during the Administrative Review of the CNPs.

The CSDE recommends maintaining original CN labels from the product carton and PFS forms in a designated binder or folder for easy reference. Digital photos and scans of CN labels and electronic copies of PFS forms should be stored in an easily accessible electronic folder.