School Nutrition Programs | Program Guidance | Forms | Resources | Nutrition Education
The School Breakfast Program (SBP) is a federally assisted meal program under the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA). It operates in public and nonprofit private schools and residential child care institutions (RCCIs). The SBP provides nutritionally balanced, low-cost or free breakfasts to children each school day. The program was established under the Child Nutrition Act of 1966 to ensure that all children have access to a healthy breakfast at school to promote learning readiness and healthy eating behavior. Research studies show that increased SBP participation is associated with better academic test scores, daily attendance, and class participation. The SBP has also been linked to reductions in student absences and tardiness.
Quick links for the SBP
- Claim Submission Schedule for Child Nutrition Programs (CSDE webpage)
- Direct Certification for School Nutrition Programs (CSDE webpage)
- Eligibility for Free and Reduced-price Meals and Free Milk in School Nutrition Programs (CSDE webpage)
- Fact Sheet: FNS 101: School Breakfast Program (USDA)
- Forms for School Nutrition Programs (CSDE webpage)
- Key Information for Connecticut School Business Officials About School Nutrition Programs
- Online Application and Claiming System for Connecticut Child Nutrition Programs (CSDE webpage)
- Operational Memoranda for School Nutrition Programs (CSDE webpage)
- Program Guidance for School Nutrition Programs (CSDE webpage)
- School Lunch Tray and Table Talk (CSDE webpage)
- Reimbursement Rates for Child Nutrition Programs (CSDE)
Nondiscrimination Statements (USDA and CSDE)