EMR Renewal/Recertification
Before applying for certification, please familiarize yourself with the general certification/licensure policies.
Learn how to apply for an initial EMR Certification on CT e-license by downloading the step-by-step instruction guide.
What to do before the expiration of your certification
To qualify for renewal/recertification, an applicant must renew on or before the expiration date of the certification. To qualify for renewal/recertification an applicant must meet one of the following requirements:
- Complete 16 hours of continued education for an EMR as required by NREMT; OR
- Be currently certified by the NREMT as an EMR.
Provided we have a current email address on file, OEMS will email a renewal notice six (6) months prior to the expiration of the certification and three (3) months prior to the expiration of the certification a final notice will be sent. If the certification is not renewed within 90 days of the expiration date, the certification will expire and as a result the applicant can no longer practice as an EMS provider. Please see reinstatement requirements.
Documentation Requirements:
A completed renewal online application on the Connecticut eLicense website for EMR renewal.
Verification of completion, as instructed by OEMS of continued education for an EMR as required by NREMT; OR
Current certification of NREMT certification.
All supporting documentation (except for the online application) should be sent from the primary source (state, territory and/or instructor) via any of the following:
via email: dph.emslicensing@ct.gov (Preferred method)
via fax: 860.920.3142
via mail: Connecticut Department of Public Health
EMS Certification
410 Capitol Ave., MS # 12 EMS
P.O. Box 340308
Hartford, CT 06134-0308
Telephone: 860.509.7528
For a list of Connecticut approved initial and refresher courses, please visit the Licensing/Certification/Exams page of the OEMS website.