EMR Certification by Examination

Before applying for certification, please familiarize yourself with the general certification/licensure policies.
Learn how to apply for an initial EMR Certification on CT e-license by downloading the step-by-step instruction guide.
An EMR applicant must be at least fourteen (14) years old and meet the following requirements:
  • Successful completion of a OEMS-approved Emergency Medical Responder (EMR) training program in Connecticut with a minimum of 60 hours (including written and practical examinations).
  • Successful completion of the NREMT EMR cognitive examination.
  • Successful completion of a Connecticut OEMS psychomotor examination. 
Documentation Requirements
  • A completed online application on the Connecticut eLicense website for EMR certification.
  • EMR Training Program Completion Form, which is submitted directly from your instructor to the Office of Emergency Medical Services.
  • If under 18 years of age, a completed Parental Consent Form.
  • Successful completion of an OEMS approved EMR psychomotor (practical) examination.
  • Successful completion of the National Registry of Emergency Medical Technician (NREMT) EMR cognitive (written) examination. 
  • If applicable, a completed Verification of EMS License/Certification Form from all states in which the applicant is or has ever been certified, current or expired forwarded directly to OEMS from the U.S. State or territory authority in which the applicant is or has ever been certified as an EMR.  Please contact the jurisdiction for completion fee information.
All supporting documentation (except for the online application) should be sent from the primary source (state, territory and/or instructor) via any of the following:
via email: dph.emslicensing@ct.gov (Preferred Method)
via fax: 860.920.3142
via mail: Connecticut Department of Public Health
EMS Certification
410 Capitol Ave., MS # 12 EMS
P.O. Box 340308
Hartford, CT 06134-0308
Telephone: 860.509.7528
For a list of Connecticut approved initial and refresher courses, please visit the Licensing/Certification/Exams page of the OEMS website.

Examination information for candidates:

EMR applicants must complete a state approved psychomotor (practical) examination and the NREMT's cognitive (written) examination after the completion of the course.

Psychomotor (practical) Examination Process

It is the responsibility of the applicant to schedule their practical exam only after the completion of the course.  The applicant may either contact the instructor of the EMR course in which they are enrolled or the testing site directly to schedule the exam.  A schedule of practical exams is available on the EMS Licensure/Certification/Exam page of the OEMS website. 

Official testing results will be communicated to you by your instructor of record after the results are received. Practical examination results are not released to applicants by OEMS.  Results are reported in "pass/fail" format and details of test performance are not made available. 

The practical examination consists of five (5) stations in which the candidate is expected to direct patient care and be graded individually in five stations.  The table below details passing and/or failure of stations and action needed to pass and be eligible to sit for the cognitive examination.


if you pass:
action needed:
all 5 stations
proceed to Cognitive Examination Process (below), if not already completed
4 stations (fail 1 station)
receipt of a Review & Retrain form directly from Instructor
3 stations (fail 2 stations)
retake these two stations practical examination
2 to 0 stations (failed 3 to 5 stations)
retake entire practical examination

For information regarding the skills stations at the practical examination please visit the NREMT website.

Cognitive (written) Examination Process

In order to take the National Registry EMR written exam, applicants must first set up an account.  This allows the applicant to register for the examination with the NREMT.

Applicants that are deemed eligible for examination will receive an Authorization to Test (ATT).  The ATT instructions will include information regarding scheduling an examination.  The ATT will appear directly at the NREMT website.  Applicants should complete an NREMT registration form and pay the requisite examination registration fee. 

Both the cognitive (written) exam and psychomotor (practical) exams must be completed with passing scores within two (2) years of course completion.

Candidates are allowed three (3) opportunities to test for the cognitive (written) examination within a two-year period from the end of the course.  Candidates who fail the cognitive examination on the third attempt or have reached the two-year limit must repeat the entire initial EMR training program in order to apply for subsequent examination attempts.