Initial certification programs have been addressing the National EMS Scope of Practice Model and the National EMS Education Standards for over a year.  To assure that all providers are providing care from a shared perspective, recertification programs will be expected to “transition” professionals whose initial training was based on the National Standard Curricula to the assessments, interventions and capabilities described by the Scope of Practice Model and National Education Standards.

The Transition process will occur over the next three years as EMS professionals meet their recertification requirements.  Instructors will be expected to incorporate the new material and expectations into the recertification programs that they teach, beginning no later than October 1, 2013; by October 1, 2016, all currently certified individuals will have recertified and will have assimilated the Transition information.  The following documents describe this process and include the necessary forms for educational program approval.


Emergency Medical Responder (EMR) Transition Materials 

 Emergency Medical Technician (EMT) Transition Materials

 Paramedic Transition Materials