General Information on Site Clean-up in Connecticut
Understanding Chemicals and PollutionSite Clean Up
What's in My Town?
- Contaminated or Potentially Contaminated Sites in Connecticut
- List of Significant Environmental Hazard Notifications - lists properties which are the source of pollution causing an environmental hazard condition
- On-Going Remediation Projects - Tylerville Center, Haddam, Durham Meadows, Durham, and Raymark, Stratford
- State Superfund Sites – hazardous waste sites addressed with State funds
- Federal Superfund Sites in Connecticut – hazardous waste sites addressed with Federal funds
- Brownfields Site Inventory - list of brownfields compiled from various agencies
- Permitted Solid Waste Landfills– landfills that have not completed closure
- Landfill Properties currently under Remediation Division oversight
- Environmental Use Restriction Map - EURs minimize the risk of human exposure to pollutants and hazards to the environment by preventing specific uses or activities at a property.
- National Priority List (NPL) Sites in Connecticut (link to EPA) - sites with known releases or threatened releases of hazardous substances, pollutants, or contaminants
- SEMS (formerly CERCLIS) Database (link to EPA) - contains information on hazardous waste sites, potential hazardous waste sites, and remedial activities
- Enviromapper (link to EPA) - mapped information about environmental concerns
Understanding Chemicals and Pollution
- DEEP's Potable Water Program assists residents whose drinking water supply well may be at risk of or has become polluted as a result of human activities.
- Department of Public Health - Publications and Fact Sheets (link to DPH)- Publications and Fact Sheets on drinking water wells
- Home Heating Fuel Tanks - information on leak prevention and what to do if you have a leak from an aboveground or underground heating oil tank
- Understanding Groundwater - information about Connecticut’s water resources
- Pesticides (link to EPA) – information on products, use, and safety
- ToxFAQs (link to Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry) - provides information about exposure to hazardous substances found near hazardous waste sites and the effects of exposure on human health (available in many languages)
Site Clean-Up
Choosing an Environmental Consultant
Connecticut's Site Clean-up Requirements - Connecticut's Remediation Standard Regulations
Licensed Environmental Professionals Roster
Reporting Requirements
- Report a Spill - Emergency Response - reporting requirements, phone numbers, and spill clean-up contractors
- Significant Environmental Hazard Notification – information on Connecticut’s law requiring the owner of property which is the source of pollution causing certain types of environmental hazards to notify DEEP of such conditions
- Brownfields in Connecticut
- PREPARED Municipal Workbook –online tools for assessing and redeveloping brownfields
- State Brownfield Remediation and Liability Relief Programs
- Funding Sources
For additional information or assistance, please contact staff in the Remediation Division.
Content Last Updated September 8, 2022