Current Projects

Farmington River PFAS Release | Tylerville Center  |  Durham Meadows  |  Raymark

Farmington River PFAS Release, East Granby and WindsorAFFF on Farminton River 6-9-19

On June 8, 2019 at an aircraft hangar at Bradley International Airport, a malfunction caused the fire suppression system to discharge for six minutes, releasing approximately 40,000 gallons of aqueous film-forming foam (AFFF) containing per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS)Foam entered the hangar’s oil-water separator and the municipal sanitary sewer system. While an emergency contractor captured nearly half of the AFFF onsite, foam was observed exiting sewer manholes on Rainbow Road in Windsor that evening.  Overnight, the foam entered the wastewater treatment plant and ultimately discharged to the Farmington River the next day. Booms and a vacuum truck were deployed to trap and remove as much foam as possible from the road and surface of the river.

As of December 15, 2020, the Connecticut Department of Public Health (DPH) removed the consumption advisory related to PFAS for fish caught in the lower Farmington River that had been in place since June 2019. This consumption advisory may be revised in the future.  Please note that there is a statewide fish consumption advisory for mercury that still remains in effect. 

AFFF in Farmington River 6-9-19 DEEP is working with Signature Flight to remediate their hangar and grounds, assess the impact of the AFFF release on the sewer system and surrounding areas, and assess remaining ecological impacts on the Farmington River. 

The Governor formed the Connecticut Interagency Task Force subsequent to this release.

DEEP Presentation at Windsor Public Information Meeting, October 30, 2019 

For more information, contact Shannon Pociu of the Remediation Division at 860-424-3546.

Tylerville Center, Haddam

The Tylerville section of Haddam has relied upon groundwater as the sole drinking water supply to residences and commercial properties.  Groundwater in Tylerville has been impacted by historic releases of chlorinated solvents, 1,4-dioxane (a solvent stabilizer), and methyl-tert butyl ether (MTBE).  Parcels with water supply wells impacted with contaminants above applicable state and federal criteria have utilized individual filtration systems and/or bottled water for consumptive use.

DEEP has completed a water supply engineering study on behalf of the Town of Haddam evaluating alternatives to provide a reliable, long-term source of potable water to Tylerville, and decided to extend a water main from Chester to Haddam to serve the affected area.

In January 2020, installation of the water mains were completed.  Individual water service connections are largely complete. 

Tylerville Center State Superfund Site contains a background summary of the project.

For more information, contact Shannon Pociu of the Remediation Division at 860-424-3546.

Durham Meadows Federal Superfund Site

Durham Meadows Federal Superfund Site encompasses an area along Route 17 in Durham.  Chlorinated solvents and 1,4-dioxane (a solvent stabilizer) from two metal box manufacturers, the former Merriam Manufacturing Company (MMC) and the Durham Manufacturing Company (DMC), have polluted or potentially polluted over 100 private wells.Durham Water Main Extension map

As a short-term remedy, bottled water or individual treatment systems have been provided to residents to remove contaminants from their well water.  Extension of public water from the City of Middletown Water Distribution System to the Superfund Site area is the selected permanent solution to address the widespread pollution of domestic wells.  The installation of the water main extension, which will run along Route 17 from Middletown to the Superfund Site area, commenced in the September 2019.  Construction was discontinued in December 2020 and will resume in spring 2020.  EPA posts updates on the water line project at Water Line Construction Progress Reports.

Environmental cleanup at the former MMC Facility was completed in 2012.  Cleanup at the DMC facility is pending, based upon the availability of federal funding.

Durham Meadows Superfund Site contains a background summary of the project.

Durham Meadow Federal Superfund Site - USEPA website containing the site description, history, actions to date, and EPA contacts for the Durham Meadows Site.

Town Of Durham Groundwater Ordinance – Link to the Town of Durham’s groundwater management zone established to prevent use of groundwater for domestic purposes within the Durham Meadows Superfund Site.

For more information, contact Jing Chen of the Remediation Division at 860-424-3391.

Raymark Superfund Site, Stratford

Photo of former Raymark Factory site

In 2016 EPA and DEEP began the next phase of the Raymark cleanup.  This includes the excavation of Raymark waste disposed at 22 public and commercial properties in Stratford.  Approximately 100,000 cubic yards of Raymark waste will be excavated from those properties and consolidated with existing waste at the former Raybestos Memorial Ballfield.  The waste will be capped to prevent human exposure to the waste and to make the site suitable for redevelopment.  The Stratford Department of Public Works facility is proposed for future use. 

EPA installed a barrier wall to reduce the construction impacts to the residents living near the former ballfield.  The former ballfield was cleared in summer 2020 and excavation of Raymark waste from the 22 historic disposal properties started in the fall of 2020.  This $100 million project is expected to take four years to complete. 

Raymark Industries, Stratford - This link to the US EPA website contains the site description, history, actions to date, and site contacts for the Raymark NPL site.

Stratford Health Department Raymark webpage contains a great deal of information on the remediation project, health related issues, and local stakeholders.

Raymark Industries Superfund Site contains a brief overview of the Raymark remediation project.

Photo of the vacant Raymark Factory Photo of waste at the Raybestos Memorial Ballfield site

For information on other remediation projects, please contact staff in the Remediation Division at 860-424-3705.


Content Last Updated December 23, 2020