General Permits

An Environmental Permitting Fact Sheet

Individual Permit Program Fact Sheets

DEEP uses both individual and general permits to regulate activities. Individual permits are issued directly to an applicant, whereas general permits are permits issued to authorize similar minor activities by one or more applicants. Authorization of an activity under a general permit is governed by that general permit.

There are three basic types of general permits or ways of authorizing activities using a general permit. Each general permit describes the necessary level of approval needed to initiate an activity, which can include one or more of the following:

  • a person conducting an activity described in a general permit may initiate the activity without prior registration (some of these permits may require later registration);
  • a registration is required prior to initiation of the activity (this registration frequently requires certification of a professional engineer); or
  • CT DEEP approval is required prior to initiation of the activity. In some cases this approval will contain site specific conditions in addition to those already contained in the general permit.

Since the general permit process may be quicker and less costly, be sure to check the following list in order to determine whether any of your activities may be eligible for authorization under a general permit before applying for an individual permit. Consult each specific general permit for further information paying special attention to the definitions of applicability. For a copy of any general permit, and any applicable registration forms, follow the links in each general permit description below, or contact the Office of Planning and Program Development (OPPD) at

List of Current General Permits

Air Emissions | Coastal Activities | Inland Water Resources Activities

Materials and Waste Management | Remediation | Wastewater Discharges

Air Emissions

 There are no current general permits.

Coastal Activities

Minor Coastal Structures (DEEP-OLISP-GP-2015-01): This general permit applies to the construction, installation, maintenance, removal and seasonal replacement of various minor structures within the tidal, coastal, and navigable waters of the state below the elevation of the coastal jurisdiction line and, where specifically allowed, in tidal wetlands. These minor structures include: 4/40 docks, access stairs, non-harbor moorings, osprey platforms and perch poles, buoys and navigational markers, harbor moorings, swim floats, pump-out facilities and experimental activities and scientific monitoring devices. Registrations are required to be submitted and approved in writing by the Department in order for the 4/40 docks, access stairs and non-harbor moorings to be authorized by this general permit. Project Reports are required to be submitted to the Commissioner in order for the osprey platforms and perch poles and certain pump-out facilities to be authorized by this general permit. Approval of Registrations are transferrable.

Coastal Maintenance (DEEP-OLISP-GP-2015-02): This general permit applies to the maintenance of various coastal structures and activities within the tidal, coastal, and navigable waters of the state below the elevation of the coastal jurisdiction line and, where specifically allowed, in tidal wetlands. These maintenance activities include: marina and mooring boundary reconfiguration, remedial activities required by order, FEMA residential flood hazard mitigation, reconstruction of permitted structures, DOT maintenance activities, beach grading, removal of derelict structures, cultch placement, minor seawall repair, catch basin cleaning, flap gate repair, habitat restoration activities, temporary construction access and DEEP boat launch repairs. Registrations are required to be submitted and approved in writing by the Department in order for marina and mooring boundary reconfigurations, remedial activities required by order, FEMA residential flood hazard mitigation and reconstruction of permitted structures to be authorized by this general permit. Annual Project Reports are required to be submitted to the Commissioner in order for the DOT maintenance activities and DEEP boat launch repairs to be authorized by this general permit. Approval of Registrations are transferrable.

Coastal Storm Response (DEEP-OLISP-GP-2015-03): This general permit applies to storm preparation and response activities within the tidal, coastal, and navigable waters of the state below the elevation of the coastal jurisdiction line and, where specifically allowed, in tidal wetlands. Storm preparation activities include: temporary placement of bracing, scaffolding, hay bales, silt fencing, sheeting; temporary placement of sandbags; and relocation and stockpiling of beach sand for temporary dunes within areas above mean high water. Storm response activities can only be undertaken upon declaration by the commissioner that this section of the general permit is in effect. Such declaration will be made by the commissioner after a coastal storm or other event and shall include the effective date, the expiration date, and the specific geographic areas covered. Storm response activities include various repairs, replacement and/or reconstruction to coastal structures caused specifically by the storm or event. Storm response repairs and reconstruction of seawalls, bulkheads, culverts and other flood and erosion control structures will require submittal of a Project Report to Commissioner within fourteen (14) days of completion in order to be covered by this general permit. Approval of Registrations are transferrable.

Inland Water Resource Activities

Dam Safety Maintenance, Repair, and Alteration (DEEP-IWRD-GP-014) Non-Filing Categories. This permit authorizes limited amounts of minor maintenance and repair activities on all dams including removing debris and sediment, replacing weir boards, installing security and safety fencing, replacing sealant in construction joints, establishing grass cover on existing riprapped embankments, maintenance of existing toe drain systems, seepage measurement devices, replacing less than 10 square yards of riprap, exercising and maintenance of gates and valves, cutting and removing woody vegetation (no removal of 3” or larger root systems), restoration of grass cover, filling up to 10 animal burrows, quantity limited concrete and masonry repairs allowed each year. No DEEP filing or registration is required, however, a notice to the municipality using the DEEP notice form is required. No fee is required. Upon a change in ownership or the permittee, the new owner or permittee shall comply with all applicable conditions and requirements of this general permit. Detailed Fact Sheet

Dam Safety Repair and Alteration (DEEP-IWRD-GP-015) Filing-Only Categories. This permit authorizes two levels of limited minor repairs and alterations to dams and removal of remnants of dams. Work authorized under Section 3(a)1 of this permit to the limits specified may be done on dams less than 15 feet high and storing less than 50 acre-feet of water without professional engineering oversight including replacing up to 25 square yards of riprap, restoring eroded areas, filling up to 15 animal burrows, quantity limited concrete and masonry repairs. Section 3(a)2 of this permit authorizes increased amounts of work on any size dam with professional engineering oversight including Installing up to 200’ of toe drains, minor repairs to trash racks, gates, valves (no excavation), placing up to 75 square yards of riprap, removing tree root systems (low tree density), filling up to 20 animal burrows; minor concrete and masonry repair, sliplining up to a 36” diameter outlet pipe, grouting voids, installing bridges over spillways not requiring a center support, digging test pits, drilling soil borings, and installing piezometers. Section 3(a)3 of this permit authorizes removal of remnants of dams no longer impounding water or collecting sediment. A filing using the DEEP GP-015-3(a)1 NO PE form or GP-015-3(a)2 and 3(a)3 PE form, a notice to the municipality using the DEEP notice form, and a filing fee of up to $200 is required. Registrations are non-transferrable. Detailed Fact Sheet

Dam Safety Repair and Alteration (DEEP-IWRD-GP-016) Approval of Filing Required Categories authorizes limited amounts of minor repairs and alterations to dams and some minor dam removal activities including installing up to 400’ of toe drains, repair or replacement of trash racks, gates, and valves, placing up to 150 square yards of riprap, removing tree root systems (moderate tree density), filling up to 25 animal burrows, repairs to or construction of concrete portions of dams (limited concrete volume by formula), repointing or repairing masonry (square foot limit), sliplining outlet pipes (no size limit), grouting voids, installing bridges over spillways which may require center support, digging test pits, drilling soil borings, installing piezometers. Dam removal activities authorized include removal of low or moderate hazard class dams meeting certain criteria, and projects to provide fish passage. A filing using the DEEP GP-016-3(a) Approval filing form, a notice to the municipality using the DEEP notice form, a reply approval, and a filing fee of up to $250 is required. Approval of Registrations are non-transferrable. Detailed Fact Sheet

Diversion of Water for Consumptive Use: Reauthorization Categories (DEEP-WPMD-GP-001): This general permit is intended for use by those needing to continue their existing coverage obtained under the previous set of General Permit(s) for Diversion of Water for Consumptive Use, expiring January 17, 2017. Eligible diversions include 1) Interconnection and Transfer of up to 1,000,000 gpd, 2) Withdrawal of up to 250,000 gpd – Surface Water / Stratified Drift Aquifer, 3) Withdrawal of up to 250,000 gpd – Bedrock Aquifer, 4) Large Tidally Influenced Rivers, 5) Unregistered Water, 6) Water Supply Interconnections, 7) Unregistered Water Supply Systems, 8) Diversion of up to 250,000 gpd New Water, 9) Backup Wells, 10) Small Water Supply System, and 11) Restoration of Lost Capacity. A request for authorization is required to be submitted within 90 days of this general permits effective date of January 17, 2017 in order for the diversion to be authorized by this general permit, provided the subject activity complies with all provisions, requirements, and conditions of the general permit. Authorizations are transferrable. Detailed Fact Sheet

Diversion of Water for Consumptive Use: Non-filing Categories (DEEP-WPMD-GP-004): This general permit applies to those diverting the waters of the state in excess of 50,000 gallons per day. Eligible diversions include 1) Pump and Recharge Geoexchange System, 2) Non-Contact Cooling – Surface Waters, 3) Hydrostatic Testing of Pipes and Tanks, and 4) Long Island Sound. To be eligible for coverage under this general permit the diverter must obtain all other state permits, licenses or authorizations as may be required for the withdrawal, discharge, and all associated infrastructure. Such permits may include, but not be limited to, those required within sections 22a-416 through 22a-438 (Wastewater Discharge), and 22a-359 through 22a-363f (Structures, Dredging and Fill) of the Connecticut General Statues. This general permit cannot be used for withdrawals from Long Island Sound made in conjunction with an energy production facility. A diversion is authorized under this general permit provided the subject activity complies with all provisions, requirements, and conditions of the general permit. No filing or application with, or notification or reporting to, the DEEP is required. However, certain operating conditions do require that specific actions be taken by the diverter to be in compliance with this general permit. Upon a change in ownership or the permittee, the new owner or permittee shall comply with all applicable conditions and requirements of this general permit. Detailed Fact Sheet

Diversion of Water for Consumptive Use: Filing Only Categories DEEP-WPMD-GP-003): This general permit applies to those diverting the waters of the state in excess of 50,000 gallons per day. Eligible diversions include 1) the construction of a backup water supply well, 2) withdrawal from certain large tidal rivers, 3) a small supplemental community or agricultural water supply well withdrawing from a bedrock aquifer, and 4) a small community or agricultural water supply system withdrawing at just above the exempted volume of 50,000 gallons per day. A request for authorization is required to be submitted in order for the diversion to be authorized by this general permit, provided the subject activity complies with all provisions, requirements, and conditions of the general permit. Authorizations are transferrable. Detailed Fact Sheet

Diversion of Water for Consumptive Use: Authorization Required Categories (DEEP-WPMD-GP-002): This general permit applies to those diverting the waters of the state in excess of 50,000 gallons per day. Eligible diversions include 1) Withdrawal of up to 250,000 gpd – Surface Water / Stratified Drift, 2) Withdrawal of up to 250,000 gpd – Bedrock Aquifer, and 3) Interconnection and Transfer of Up to 1,000,000 gpd. A request for authorization is required to be submitted and approved in writing by the Department in order for the diversion to be authorized by this general permit. Approval of Authorizations are transferrable. Detailed Fact Sheet

Water Resource Construction Activities (DEEP-IWRD-GP-013) This general permit authorizes the following activities that require permitting through the DEEP under the Inland Wetlands and Watercourses Act, and Connecticut Water Diversion Policy Act, subject to certain conditions, if they are within the jurisdiction of the Commissioner: trail construction, public works projects, infrastructure repairs, and conservation activities. Statewide activities such as: beach maintenance, boat launch maintenance, drainage maintenance are also covered under this general permit. Furthermore, this general permit authorizes, subject to certain conditions, activities for which an authorization has been granted under Category 1 or Category 2 of the Department of Army (US Army Corps of Engineers) General Permit State of Connecticut.

The following categories require written authorization from the Commissioner: Trail Construction, Infrastructure Repairs, Public Works Projects, and Maintenance Plans. The following categories are filing only: Activities Authorized Under Category 1 or Category 2 of the Department of Army (US Army Corps of Engineers) General Permit State of Connecticut and Conservation Activities. Approval of Registrations/Registrations are transferrable. Detailed Fact Sheet

Waste and Materials Management

Addition of Grass Clippings at Registered Leaf Composting Facilities (DEP-RCY-GP-006): This general permit applies to the addition of grass clippings at a leaf composting facility registered under RCSA Section 22a-208i(a)-1. The owner or operator shall operate such activity in accordance with the operating conditions contained in the general permit including, but not limited to, restrictions on the physical location, and the handling and management of the grass clippings. Record keeping, monitoring, and reporting requirements also apply. A registration is required to be submitted and approved in writing by the Department in order for the addition of grass clippings at a leaf composting facility to be authorized under this general permit. Approval of Registrations are transferrable.

Collection and Storage of Post-Consumer Paint (DEEP-RCY-GP-015): This general permit authorizes the collection and storage of post-consumer paint at retail locations in accordance with the requirements of the Paint Stewardship Program, including the approved Paint Stewardship Program Plan (PSPP). A complete registration must be submitted by the representative organization and approved in writing by the Department in order for the retail location to be authorized under the terms and conditions of this general permit. Approval of Registrations are non-transferrable. Detailed Fact Sheet

Construct and Operate a Commercial Facility for the Management of Recyclable Materials and Certain Solid Wastes (DEEP-MM-GP-001): This General Permit authorizes the aggregation of greater than ten (10) cubic yards of recyclables and certain solid wastes. Registrants and notifiers must specify the aggregation locations for those wastes. The wastes addressed in the general permit are those generated at locations different from the aggregation locations identified by the registrants and notifiers. The general permit also allows for limited processing of certain wastes at the aggregation locations. The recyclables and certain solid wastes authorized in the general permit are: Recyclables; Asbestos Containing Material; Ash Residue; Clean Wood; including leaves and grass clippings; Construction and Demolition waste; Non-RCRA hazardous waste and compatible solid wastes; Universal waste; compatible solid wastes and food waste. When required, a complete registration must be submitted and either acknowledged or approved in writing by the Department. Registrations are transferrable. Detailed Fact Sheet

Contaminated Soil and/or Sediment Management (Staging and Transfer) (DEP-SW-GP-001):  EXPIRED still being used for best management practices when applicable.This general permit authorizes the staging, transfer, and temporary storage of contaminated soil and/or sediment and is intended to address the management of these materials when they are generated during projects that are less than 2 years in duration and involve the excavation of earthen material. It establishes a uniform set of environmentally protective management procedures for stockpiling soils when they are generated during projects where contaminated soils are typically managed (held temporarily during characterization procedures to determine a final disposition) including, but not limited to remediation, construction, and utility installation projects. Approval of Registrations/Registrations are transferrable. Detailed Fact Sheet

Municipal Transfer Stations (DEEP-SW-GP-002): This general permit authorizes municipalities only to construct and operate a municipal transfer station and recycling center. A complete registration must be submitted and approved in writing by the Department in order for the transfer station to be authorized under the terms and conditions of this general permit. Approval of Registrations are non-transferrable. Detailed Fact Sheet

One Day Collection of Certain Wastes and Household Hazardous Waste (DEEP-RCY-GP-007): This general permit applies to the collection and aggregation of greater than ten (10) cubic yards of household hazardous waste; greater than ten (10) cubic yards of covered electronic devices and/or used electronics; hazardous waste and universal wastes generated by a Conditionally Exempt Small Quantity Generator; and sharps and pharmaceuticals generated from households. This general permit does not authorize the treatment, storage, disposal or transportation of any such wastes. A complete registration must be submitted and approved in writing by the Department in order for the collection and aggregation of such wastes to be authorized under the terms and conditions of this general permit. Annual reporting requirements are also required under the terms of the general permit. No permittee may hold more than two collection events in a municipality in a month without first obtaining advanced written approval from the Commissioner. Approval of Registrations are non-transferrable.

Storage and Processing of Asphalt Roofing Shingle Waste (ARSW) for Beneficial Use and Recycling (DEP-RCY-GP-011): This general permit authorizes: The storage and processing of ARSW for beneficial use and recycling. A complete registration must be submitted and approved in writing by the Department in order for such activity to be authorized under the terms and conditions of this general permit. Approval of Registrations are non-transferrable. Detailed Fact Sheet

Storage and Processing of Scrap Tires for Recycling and Beneficial Use (DEP-RCY-GP-013): This general permit authorizes the storage and processing of scrap tires for recycling and beneficial use. A complete registration must be submitted and approved in writing by the Department in order for such activity to be authorized under the terms and conditions of this general permit. Approval of Registrations are non-transferrable. Detailed Fact Sheet


In Situ Groundwater Remediation: Enhanced Aerobic Biodegradation (DEEP-REM-GP-001): This general permit authorizes oxygenation of groundwater at a controlled rate to enhance in situ aerobic degradation of organic pollutants and allows use of several different sources of oxygen and delivery methods. Supplemental nutrients or cultured bacteria may also be added under the general permit framework. Chemical oxidation of pollution is not authorized under this general permit; and the permit incorporates limits on ozone and hydrogen peroxide to ensure their use solely as an oxygen source for biodegradation. Registration must be submitted to the department and approved for activity to be authorized pursuant to this general permit. The general permit allows for DEEP issuance of a certificate of coverage in lieu of an approval for authorization of certain activities and also provides a limited authority for self implementation with submittal of registration. Fees reflect the tiered DEEP review process. The permit requires monitoring of groundwater, especially potentially affected supply wells, reporting of any indications of unexpected outcomes, and mitigation of adverse conditions caused by the discharge. Approval of Registrations/Registrations are transferrable. Detailed Fact Sheet

In Situ Remediation: Chemical Oxidation (DEEP-REM-GP-002): This general permit authorizes introduction of chemical oxidants and necessary associated substances to soil and groundwater to remediate pollution through the chemical destruction of fuels and other organic materials, and in some cases chemical modification of inorganic chemicals. The oxidizing chemical classes authorized are: Peroxides, Permanganates, Ozone, Persulfates, and Percarbonates. Registration must be submitted to the department and approved for an activity to be authorized pursuant to this general permit. The general permit allows for DEEP issuance of a certificate of coverage in lieu of an approval for authorization of certain activities. The registration fee is $500. The permit requires monitoring of groundwater, especially potentially affected supply wells, reporting of any indications of unexpected outcomes, and mitigation of adverse conditions caused by the discharge. Approval of Registrations/Registrations are transferrable. Detailed Fact Sheet

Wastewater Discharges

Comprehensive General Permit for Discharges to Surface Water and Groundwater

Domestic Sewage (DEP-WPED-GP-018): This general permit applies to discharges of domestic sewage from a community sewerage system to a POTW. Registration is required for discharges from a community sewerage system. Privately owned "community sewerage systems" (such as those at condominiums) are to be properly managed and have a valid community sewerage system agreement with the municipality receiving the discharge as required by section 7-246f of the General Statues. Municipalities seeking to initiate, create or originate a discharge from a community sewerage system do not need to register. For all other discharges of domestic sewage to a POTW no registration is required to be submitted in order for the discharges to be authorized by this general permit. Registrations are non-transferrable.

Food Service Establishment Wastewater (DEEP-WATERP&S-GP-001): This general permit authorizes any wastewater discharge associated with a facility, as defined in the general permit, which discharges to a municipal sewer system, to limit the amount of FOG of all Class III and IV food service establishment discharges by installing either an outside grease trap/interceptor, an Active Grease Recovery Unit (AGRU), or Super-capacity Grease Interceptor (SCGI) in accordance with technical requirements specified in the general permit. The authorized agent approves the FOG management equipment to be installed. No registration is required in order for the discharges to be authorized by this general permit. Upon a change in ownership or the permittee, the new owner or permittee shall comply with all applicable conditions and requirements of this general permit. Detailed Fact Sheet

Groundwater Remediation Wastewater

Miscellaneous Industrial Users

Nitrogen Discharges (DEEP-WP&S-GP-002): This general permit regulates the discharge of total nitrogen from 79 Publicly Owned Treatment Works (POTW) in Connecticut. These facilities, in aggregate, must reduce the annual loading of total nitrogen to Long Island Sound by approximately 64% by 2014 in order to achieve the final, established wasteload allocation. Upon a change in ownership or the permittee, the new owner or permittee shall comply with all applicable conditions and requirements of this general permit.

Point Source Discharges to Waters of the State from the Application of Pesticides (CTPGP0000):  This general permit regulates the discharge of pesticide residue from the application of pesticides in state waters, as well as indirect discharges that occur as the result of aerial spraying or other pesticide applications that occur at or near the shoreline of perennial or seasonal watercourses. Many applications that are subject to this general permit are also authorized through issuance of a permit issued by DEEP’s Pesticide Management Program. Those applications receive automatic coverage under this general permit. Some larger applications that do not receive permitting under the Pesticide Management Program require approval under this general permit. The thresholds and activities that require approval are detailed in the general permit. Registrations are non-transferable.

Significant Industrial Users

Stormwater and Dewatering Wastewaters from Construction Activities (DEEP-WPED-GP-015): This general permit applies to all discharges of stormwater and dewatering wastewater from construction activities which result from the disturbance of one or more total acres of land area on a site regardless of project phasing. In the case of a larger plan of development (such as a subdivision), the estimate of total acres of site disturbance shall include, but is not limited to, road and utility construction, individual lot construction (i.e., house, driveway, septic system, etc.), and all other construction associated with the overall plan, regardless of the individual parties responsible for construction of these various elements.

The general permit dictates separate compliance procedures for Locally Approvable projects and Locally Exempt projects (as defined in the permit). Locally Exempt construction projects disturbing over 1 acre must submit a registration form and Stormwater Pollution Control Plan (SWPCP) to the Department. Locally Approvable construction projects with a total disturbed area of one to five acres are not required to register with the Department provided the development plan has been approved by a municipal land use agency and adheres to local erosion and sediment control land use regulations and the CT Guidelines for Soil Erosion and Sediment Control. Locally Approvable construction projects with a total disturbed area of five or more acres must submit a registration form to the Department. This registration shall include a certification by a Qualified Professional who designed the project and a certification by a Qualified Professional or regional Conservation District who reviewed the SWPCP and deemed it consistent with the requirements of the general permit. The SWPCP for locally approvable projects is not required to be submitted to the Department unless requested.

This general permit is now transferable in accordance with section 22a-6o of the General Statutes provided a license transfer form is submitted to the commissioner.

Stormwater Associated with Commercial Activities (DEEP-WPED-GP-004): This general permit applies to all discharges from any conveyance which is used for collecting and conveying stormwater and which is directly related to retail, commercial, and/or office services whose facilities occupy five acres or more of contiguous impervious surface. Registration is required to be submitted in order for the discharges to be authorized by this general permit. Registrations are non-transferrable.

Stormwater Associated with Industrial Activities (DEEP-WPED-GP-014): This general permit applies to all discharges from any conveyance which is used for collecting and conveying stormwater and which is directly related to manufacturing, processing or material storage areas at an industrial activity. Registration is required to be submitted in order for the discharges to be authorized by this general permit. Registrations are non-transferrable.

Stormwater from Small Municipal Separate Storm Sewer Systems (DEEP-WPED-GP-021): This general permit applies to all municipalities that have Urbanized Areas as determined by the U.S. Census Bureau. Specifically, it applies to a town's separate storm sewer system and how the town manages their system and what measures they take to reduce or eliminate the discharge of pollutants to that system. Registration is required to be submitted in order for the discharges to be authorized by this general permit. Registrations are non-transferrable. Detailed Fact Sheet

Subsurface Sewage Disposal Systems Serving Existing Facilities (DEEP-WPED-GP-025): This general permit applies to discharges from subsurface sewage disposal systems serving existing facilities, which are sites in existence on or before the date of issuance of the permit and includes the following activities: Discharges of domestic sewage with cumulative design flows greater than 7,500 gallons per day through one or more subsurface sewage disposal systems to any one site; Discharges of domestic sewage through a community sewerage system (e.g., a sewerage system serving 2 or more residences in separate structures not connected to a municipal sewerage system) regardless of design flow; and Discharges of domestic sewage to holding tanks located on sites under an approved Wastewater Management Plan or to address a failing or malfunctioning system. Registration is required to be submitted and approved in writing by the department in order for the discharges to be authorized by this general permit. Approval of Registrations are transferrable. Detailed Fact Sheet

Swimming Pool Wastewater (DEEP-WPED-GP-005):  This general permit applies to discharges comprised solely of swimming pool wastewater from public pools to surface and ground waters of the state of Connecticut. Swimming pool wastewater includes the discharge of filter backwash, maintenance pressure washing, and pool draining wastewaters.  Registration under the general permit is not required to be submitted, but Permittees must comply with the requirements of the general permit for the discharge to be authorized. The permit does not authorize discharges from private, residential pools but Connecticut citizens are encouraged to follow all applicable conditions of the general permit.

Contact Information

HARTFORD, CT 06106-5127

This overview is designed to answer general questions and provide basic information. Refer to the appropriate statutes and regulations for the specific regulatory language of the different permit programs. This document should not be relied upon to determine whether or not an environmental permit is required. It is your responsibility to obtain and comply with all required permits.

Fact Sheet DEEP-FS-004

Users Guide to Environmental Permits | Permits and Licenses | Laws and Regulations

Content Last Updated October 2024