General Permit for the Collection and Storage of Post-Consumer Paint

An Environmental Permitting Fact Sheet


General Permit Overview

The General Permit authorizes the collection and storage of post-consumer paint at retail locations in accordance with the requirements of the Paint Stewardship Program, including the approved Paint Stewardship Program Plan (PSPP). The General Permit is issued under the authority of the Department of Energy and Environmental Protection (DEEP).

A general permit establishes mandatory operating conditions for conducting a regulated activity, using procedures that are protective of human health and the environment. General permits also streamline the permitting process and are cost-effective for both DEEP and the registrant.

Authorizing Statutes

Chapter 446d Solid Waste Management, section 22a-904a of the Connecticut General Statutes (CGS) authorizes the establishment of the Paint Stewardship Program.

Activities Authorized Under This General Permit

The General Permit authorizes retailers to collect and store post-consumer paint in accordance with the requirements of the Paint Stewardship Program, including the approved PSPP.

Requirements For All Authorized Paint Collection Sites

All paint collection sites authorized by the General Permit must comply with the conditions set forth in the General Permit and the approved PSPP. These conditions include general and specific requirements regarding the maximum storage capacity and the acceptance, collection, handling, storage, and transferring of post-consumer paint.

The maximum storage capacity of each paint collection site is thirteen hundred (1,300) gallons of post-consumer paint unless the registrant or representative organization has established a lower limit due to space limitations.


Who shall file for registration under the General Permit?
Any retailer who offers architectural paint for sale in the state of Connecticut and is participating in the Paint Stewardship Program established pursuant to section 22a-904a CGS.

**Please note that the Representative Organization will file the registration form on behalf of any retailer seeking to collect and store post-consumer paint under the authority of this General Permit.

How is a paint collection site approved for operation under the General Permit?
If a retailer intends to collect and store post-consumer paint under the General Permit, it must enroll in the Paint Collection Program by contacting the Representative Organization. The paint collection site may begin the collection and storage of post-consumer paint only upon receiving an "Approval of Registration" from the DEEP. An Approval of Registration may only be considered when the DEEP has received a complete registration form.


Is an Approval of Registration transferable?
A registrant may not transfer an Approval of Registration to another person.


How much does it cost to register under the General Permit?
The Representative Organization is responsible for the administrative costs associated with the Paint Stewardship Program, including the cost of registration under the General Permit as established under the approved PSPP. There is no fee assessed to the Registrant.

Permit Duration

How long is an approval valid?
The General Permit is effective for a ten-year period commencing on the date it is issued by the commissioner. However, this is NOT the date of approval of registration for the paint collection site to begin the collection and storage of post-consumer paint. The approval to begin the collection and storage of post-consumer paint is effective commencing on the date the commissioner issues a written approval of registration for such activity and is valid for the duration of the General Permit.

Can an approval of registration be renewed?
Any person to whom or to which the commissioner issued an approval of registration under the General Permit may request renewal of such approval of registration prior to the expiration of such approval if there have been no changes in operations, or in the types of or quantities of materials accepted. Such request shall be submitted to the commissioner on a completed registration form no later than 120 days before the expiration date of the existing General Permit.

Contact Information

Waste Engineering and Enforcement Division
Bureau of Materials Management and Compliance Assurance
Department of Energy and Environmental Protection
79 Elm Street
Hartford, CT 06106-5127

This overview is designed to answer general questions and provide basic information. You should refer to the appropriate statutes and regulations for the specific regulatory language of the different permit programs. This document should not be relied upon to determine whether or not an environmental permit is required. It is your responsibility to obtain and comply with all required permits.


Fact Sheet DEEP-RCY-FS-015

Content Last Updated October 2018


Users Guide to Environmental Permits