General Permit for Storage and Processing of Asphalt Roofing Shingle Waste (ARSW) for Beneficial Use and Recycling

An Environmental Permitting Fact Sheet


General Permit Overview

This general permit was issued under the authority of, and administered by the Department of Energy and Environmental Protection's (DEEP's) Bureau of Materials Management and Compliance Assurance. DEEP uses both individual and general permits to regulate activities. Individual permits are issued directly to an applicant, whereas general permits are issued to authorize similar activities by one or more applicants throughout a prescribed geographic area. Authorization of an activity under a general permit is governed by that general permit. A general permit sets terms and conditions for conducting an activity which, when complied with, are protective of the environment. General permits are a quicker and more cost-effective way to permit specific activities for both the department and the applicant.

This general permit authorizes the storage and processing of asphalt roofing shingle waste for beneficial use and recycling.

Authorizing Statutes

Section 22a-209f of the Connecticut General Statutes (CGS)

Requirements For All Authorized Facilities

All authorized facilities must comply with the conditions set forth in the general permit, which include general operating conditions for asphalt roofing shingle recycling facilities as well as specific operating conditions for the processing of asphalt roofing shingle waste. Read the general permit carefully to be sure you can operate in compliance with the general permit. If you fail to comply with the conditions in the general permit, you are in violation of the general permit and potentially subject to legal action.


Who Must Register?
Anyone wishing to operate a facility that stores and processes asphalt roofing shingle wastefor beneficial use  and recycling.

How is an Approval of Registration obtained for a facility?
The person (the "registrant") must submit to the department a complete registration form with the appropriate fee. After departmental review, the commissioner will issue a decision regarding the registration.

How many facilities can be registered on one form?
A registrant shall register each activity, by site for which the registrant seeks authorization under this general permit on a separate registration form.

When should a registration form be submitted?

  1. A person who wishes to construct and/or to operate a facility must register in order to be issued an Approval of Registration under this general permit.

  2. A permittee must submit a new registration if there will be changes in the operations or in the types or quantities of materials accepted at the facility. Note: If the facility operation changes such that it is no longer eligible to operate under the general permit, the permittee cannot continue operating until he has an individual permit.

  3. A permittee must submit a renewal of the registration within 180 days before the expiration date of the current Approval of Registration if they wish to continue to operate the facility under the authority of the general permit.

The same form should be used for either new registration or for a renewal of an existing Approval of Registration.

Is an Approval of Registration transferable?
A permittee may not transfer an Approval of Registration to another person. The new owner or operator of the facility must complete a new registration form and submit it along with the applicable fee.


Is an Approval of Registration transferable?
A permittee may not transfer an Approval of Registration to another person. The new owner or operator of the facility must complete a new registration form and submit it along with the applicable fee.


How much does it cost to register a facility?

Storage and Processing of Asphalt Roofing Shingle Waste: $2500.00

Note: In accordance with Section 22a - 6(b) of the General Statutes, the fee for municipalities is fifty percent (50%) of the fee listed above. Registration fees are non-refundable.

Average Processing Time

For this permit program, processing time for a typical application, based upon recent experience is less than 90 days. Past performance is not a guarantee of future processing timeframes.  In order to increase the efficiency of application processing, we recommend that you utilize the Department's Pre-Application Guidance process, assure that your application package is properly completed at the time of submittal, and that you promptly reply to any requests for information.

Permit Duration

The General Permit for Storage and Processing of Asphalt Roofing Shingle Waste for Beneficial Use and Recycling will be valid for a period of five years from the date of issuance. To renew an Approval of Registration for a facility, the permittee must submit a new registration form and fee no later than 180 days prior to the expiration date of the Approval of Registration.

Contact Information

Source Reduction and Recycling Program
Bureau of Materials Management and Compliance Assurance
Department of Energy and Environmental Protection
79 Elm Street
Hartford, CT 06106-5127

This overview is designed to answer general questions and provide basic information. You should refer to the appropriate statutes and regulations for the specific regulatory language of the different permit programs. This document should not be relied upon to determine whether or not an environmental permit is required. It is your responsibility to obtain and comply with all required permits.

Fact Sheet DEEP-RCY-FS-011

Content Last Updated June, 2013

Users Guide to Environmental Permits