General Permit for a Municipal Transfer Station

An Environmental Permitting Fact Sheet


General Permit Overview

This General Permit authorizes the operations of municipal transfer stations for solid waste, including recyclables. It is issued under the authority of the Department of Energy and Environmental Protection (DEEP), and it is administered by the Waste Engineering and Enforcement Division in DEEP’s Bureau of Materials Management and Compliance Assurance.

DEEP uses both individual and general permits to regulate transfer stations. Individual permits are issued directly to an applicant for a specific facility, whereas general permits are issued to authorize similar activities by one or more registrants. A general permit establishes mandatory operating conditions for conducting an activity, using procedures that are protective of human health and the environment. General permits also streamline the permitting process and are cost-effective for both DEP and the registrant. Facilities currently operating under an individual permit for a solid waste facility or under a recycling general permit may be eligible for this General Permit for a Municipal Transfer Station.

Authorizing Statutes

Chapter 446d Solid Waste Management, Section 22a-208a(i) of the Connecticut General Statutes (CGS) authorizes issuance of general permits for solid waste facilities.

Activities Authorized Under This General Permit

This General Permit authorizes municipalities only to construct and operate a municipal transfer station and recycling center subject to the following:

  1. a maximum processing capacity of up to one thousand (1,000) tons per day of solid waste including recyclables; and
  2. transfer, with limited opportunities to process: municipal solid waste; construction and demolition waste; furniture, mattresses, rugs and carpets; metal, including appliances containing chlorofluorocarbons (freon); propane tanks; used oil and waste anti-freeze; used oil filters; paper and cardboard; clean wood (brush, stumps, logs, pallets and woodchips); treated wood (painted, creosote etc.); tires; food, beverage and plastic containers; leaves and grass clippings; food scraps; covered electronic devices; lead-acid and mixed batteries; used electronics; mercury-containing lamps; mercury-containing equipment ; capacitors and fluorescent light ballasts; yellow grease; architectural paint; household items for reuse; textiles and shoes; and other recyclables, if approved by DEEP.

A municipality may operate the facility itself, may operate jointly with other municipalities, or may utilize a private contractor to oversee daily operations. In any case, the municipality(ies) remains the party(ies) responsible for the facility’s operation.

Requirements For All Authorized Facilities

All facilities authorized by this General Permit must comply with the conditions set forth in the General Permit, including its Appendix. These conditions include general and specific requirements regarding the maximum capacity of the facility and the acceptance, collection, handling, storage, processing and transferring of solid wastes, including recyclables.

Appendix Part I Section (5)K. requires the performance of self audits by either the certified operator of the facility or a qualified consultant acceptable to the Commissioner.

Appendix Part II Section (5)K.1.(d) requires the performance of unannounced inspections of incoming truck loads of MSW for designated recyclables in order to increase recycling rates and reduce the disposal costs of the municipality.

Appendix Part II Section (5)S. requires clean wood to be inspected for signs of pest infestations, including the presence of the Emerald Ash Borer and Asian Longhorn Beetle. More information on the signs of pest infestation can be found on the DEEP website at: and


Who shall file for registration of a facility under this General Permit?
Any municipality, municipalities or regional authority seeking to construct and/or operate a municipal transfer station under the authority of this General Permit and that can comply with the General Permit requirements can file to register a facility, with the exception of those transfer stations: (1) at which revenue is generated by charging a private hauler to tip waste generated outside of the municipality or municipalities for regional transfer stations; or (2) which are operated by a private contractor that accepts MSW generated at commercial or industrial locations outside of the boundaries of the municipality or municipalities for regional transfer stations.

How is a facility approved for operation under this General Permit?
If a municipality, municipalities or regional authority intends to construct and/or operate a municipal transfer station under this General Permit, it must submit a complete registration package. It can operate only upon receiving an "Approval of Registration" from the DEEP. An Approval of Registration may only be considered when the DEEP has received a complete registration package (form and supporting documents) with the appropriate fee.

What if a municipality has multiple transfer station and recycling facilities?
Each municipal transfer station must be registered separately, except that small satellite drop sites for recyclables need not be registered separately. A single registration package must be submitted for each municipal transfer station seeking authorization under this General Permit.


How much does it cost to register a facility for this General Permit?
A payment of $800.00 per year is required for any municipality registering under the General Permit, for a maximum registration fee of $8,000.00 for the full ten-year term of the General Permit. Each facility location requires a separate registration and payment. The annual payment of $800.00 per year is due on or before July 1 of each year. Because the registration package is much easier to prepare than the application for an individual solid waste facility permit, the cost of this General Permit should be less expensive.

Average Processing Time

For this permit program, processing time for a typical application, based upon recent experience is less than 90 days. Past performance is not a guarantee of future processing timeframes.  In order to increase the efficiency of application processing, we recommend that you utilize the Department's Pre-Application Guidance process, assure that your application package is properly completed at the time of submittal, and that you promptly reply to any requests for information.
Permit Duration

How long is an approval valid?
A General Permit is effective for a ten-year period commencing on the date it is issued by the commissioner. However, this is NOT the date of approval for the transfer station to operate at the proposed site; approval to operate the proposed Municipal Transfer Station is effective commencing on the date the commissioner issues a written approval of registration for such activity.

Can an approval be renewed?
Any person to whom or to which the commissioner issued an approval of registration under this general permit may request renewal of such approval of registration prior to the expiration of such approval if there have been no changes in operations, or in the types of or quantities of materials accepted. Such request shall be submitted to the commissioner on a completed registration form with the applicable fee no later than 120 days before the expiration date of the existing approval of registration.

Revocation of Existing Waste Permits

Only one permit or registration may authorize the solid waste activities at the municipal transfer station. The municipality must consent to the revocation of any other permits or registrations issued previously to authorize the subject transfer station and recycling activities by completing Part VI of the registration form.

Contact Information

Waste Engineering and Enforcement Division
Bureau of Materials Management and Compliance Assurance
Department of Energy and Environmental Protection
79 Elm Street
Hartford, CT 06106-5127

This overview is designed to answer general questions and provide basic information. You should refer to the appropriate statutes and regulations for the specific regulatory language of the different permit programs. This document should not be relied upon to determine whether or not an environmental permit is required. It is your responsibility to obtain and comply with all required permits.


Fact Sheet DEEP-SW-FS-002

Content Last Updated May 2023


Users Guide to Environmental Permits