Species Regulations

Statewide Inland Fisheries Regulations
(As of December 27, 2022)

From March 1 until 6:00 am on the second Saturday of April, trout fishing is catch and release only statewide. There are exceptions, so please refer to the river/stream or lake/pond pages for regulations on a specific waterbody.

March 1, 2022 - The passage of Public Act 21-12 by the legislature eliminated the closed season for trout. For more information on Legal Methods and Gear, Length Limits, Creel and Possession Limits, and Species, refer to the "definitions" option on the left menu. Note: Regulations for several marine species found in the Inland District are subject to change. Quick Species Look Up (select the species to jump to the statewide regulation)
Species Species Species
Alewife/Blueback Herring Bowfin, Tench, Suckers, and Lampreys Striped Bass
American Eel Chain Pickerel Sturgeon, Burbot
American Shad Hickory Shad Trout (Brook, Brown, Rainbow, Tiger, other hybrids)
Atlantic Salmon Kokanee White Perch
Bass (Largemouth, Smallmouth) Northern Pike/Tiger Musky Walleye
Catfish (Channel, White) and bullheads Panfish**  
Common Carp Smelt  
  Alewife or Blueback Herring

Taking of anadromous alewife and blueback herring from all Connecticut waters is prohibited. Emergency closure is in effect. See Broodstock Atlantic Salmon and River Herring for more information.

Exception: Landlocked alewife only may be taken from specific lakes. See Broodstock Atlantic Salmon and River Herring for list of lakes. Methods, seasons, and creel limits for these lakes are as follows:

Legal Methods Area Open Season Minimum Length Daily Creel Limit
Angling Lakes and Ponds Open year-round No minimum length 25
Scoop Net Lakes and Ponds April 1 – June 15 No minimum length 25


American Eel

Spearing and bow and arrow use prohibited in streams or stream sections stocked with trout. Spearing prohibited in all lakes and ponds. The taking of elver eel, glass eel, and silver eel is prohibited.

Photo Legal Methods Area Open Season Minimum Length Daily Creel Limit
 A 15-inch American eel. Angling, Ice fishing, Bobbing, Bow and Arrow, Spearing All areas Open year-round 9" 25


American Shad (about shad assessments)

Harvest of American shad allowed only in the Connecticut River system.

Photo Legal Methods Area Open Season Minimum Length Daily Creel Limit
 50 cm American shad. Angling Connecticut River (including tributaries open year-round) Open year-round No minimum length 6


Atlantic Salmon (about Atlantic Salmon Management Areas)

Taking of Atlantic Salmon is prohibited. Exception: Naugatuck River, Shetucket River, Housatonic River and lakes stocked by CT DEEP. (For current season and daily limits, please see the Commissioner's Declaration.)

Atlantic salmon management areas. From September first through March thirty-first, angling for all species in the following areas is restricted to those methods specified by the commissioner for the taking of Atlantic salmon in accordance with section 26-112-45(c) of the Regulations of Connecticut State Agencies:

(1) The Upper Naugatuck River Atlantic salmon management area is that portion of the Naugatuck River from Route 118, Harwinton and Litchfield, downstream to Thomaston Dam, Thomaston.

(2) The Lower Naugatuck River Atlantic salmon management area is that portion of the Naugatuck River from Prospect Street, Naugatuck, downstream to Pines Bridge Road, Beacon Falls.

(3) The Shetucket River Atlantic salmon management area is that portion of the Shetucket River from the Scotland Dam, Windham, downstream to the Occum Dam, Norwich and Sprague.


Largemouth Bass and Smallmouth Bass (about bass management) (about bass tournaments)

Daily creel limit is for both species in aggregate.

Photo Legal Methods Area Open Season Minimum Length Daily Creel Limit

36 cm largemouth bass. 24 cm smallmouth bass.

Largemouth Bass and Smallmouth Bass

Angling, Ice Fishing Lakes and Ponds Open year-round 12" 6

Angling, Ice Fishing
Rivers and Streams Open year-round
No minimum length 6
  Angling, Ice Fishing
Connecticut River Open year-round
12" 6
Bass Management lakes have different regulations that listed here. Please check the Lake and Pond regulation page by waterbody (link on left menu).


Burbot Taking of burbot prohibited.


Catfish (Channel Catfish and White Catfish) and bullheads (brown and yellow) (about catfish fisheries)

Daily creel limit is for both catfish (Channel Catfish and White Catfish) species in aggregate. No creel limit for bullheads.

Legal Methods Area Open Season Minimum Length Daily Creel Limit
Angling, Ice fishing, Bobbing Lakes/Ponds/Rivers/Streams Open year-round No minimum length Catfish – 6
Bullheads – No limit
  Community Fishing Waters  Open year-round No minimum length

Catfish – 3
Bullheads – No limit

Channel Catfish

White Catfish Brown Bullhead Yellow Bullhead
47 cm channel catfish.
52 cm white catfish.
34 cm brown bullhead.
20 cm yellow bullhead.


Common Carp (about Trophy Carp Management Areas)

Spearing and bow and arrow use prohibited in streams or stream sections stocked with trout. Spearing prohibited in all lakes and ponds.

Photo Legal Methods Area Open Season Minimum Length Daily Creel Limit
Common carp.
Angling, Ice Fishing, Bobbing, Bow and Arrow, Spearing All Areas Open year-round No minimum length, only 1 fish >30" 5
Bow and Arrow Bonus:  The daily creel limit for common carp taken by bow and arrow fishing shall be twelve (12), not more than three (3) of which may exceed thirty inches in length, in the following areas: West Thompson Lake, the Thames River and its coves, including the Shetucket River downstream from Greenville Dam and the Yantic River downstream of the falls at Indian Leap in Norwich, the Connecticut River and its coves downstream of the Arrigoni Bridge, the Mattabesset River (Sebethe River) downstream of Route 3, including the Cromwell Meadows Wildlife Management Area, the Coginchaug River downstream of Route 3, the Quinnipiac River downstream of Route 40 and the Housatonic River downstream of the Derby Dam.


Bowfin, Tench, Suckers and Lampreys

Spearing and bow and arrow use prohibited in streams or stream sections stocked with trout. Spearing prohibited in all lakes and ponds.

Legal Methods Area Open Season Minimum Length Daily Creel Limit
Angling, Ice Fishing, Bobbing, Bow and Arrow, Spearing
All Areas Open year-round
No minimum length
No Limit

Bowfin Tench White Sucker Lamprey
26 cm bowfin in a tank.
48 cm white sucker.
Adult sea lamprey.


Chain Pickerel

Photo Legal Methods Area Open Season Minimum Length Daily Creel Limit
42 cm chain pickerel.
 Angling, Ice Fishing Lakes and Ponds Open year-round
15" 6
  Angling, Ice Fishing
Rivers and Streams Open year-round
No minimum length
No Limit


Hickory Shad

Daily creel limit is in aggregate with American shad.

Photo Legal Methods Area Open Season Minimum Length Daily Creel Limit
42 cm hickory shad.
Angling, Ice Fishing, Scoop Net All Areas Open year-round No minimum length


Kokanee (about Kokanee fishery)

Trout and Salmon Stamp may be needed.

Photo Legal Methods Area Open Season Minimum Length Daily Creel Limit
Female kokanee during spawning season.
Angling, Ice Fishing
All Areas

6:00 am second Saturday of April until the last day of Febuary

No minimum length
   Angling, Ice Fishing All Areas  March 1 until 6:00 am second Saturday of April No minimum length 0 (catch and release only)


Northern Pike (about Pike Management) and Tiger Muskie

Photo Legal Methods Area Open Season Minimum Length Daily Creel Limit
33 cm northern pike.
Angling, Ice Fishing
All Areas
Open year-round
26" 2
CT River, Lake Lillinonah, Bantam Lake and Little Pond (Litchfield) each have regulations for Pike that differ than those listed here. Please check the Lake and Pond regulation page by waterbody (link on left menu).


Panfish** Calico Bass/Black Crappie, All Sunfish Species, Yellow Perch

Except White Perch, see below.

 Legal Methods Area Open Season Minimum Length Daily Creel Limit
Angling, Ice Fishing, Bobbing
All Areas Open year-round
No minimum length
No Limit

Calico Bass/Black Crappie Bluegill Pumpkinseed Rock Bass Yellow Perch
21 cm black crappie.
18 cm bluegill.
14 cm pumpkinseed.
14 cm rock bass.
Yellow perch.



Taking of smelt in rivers and streams is prohibited.

Photo Legal Methods Area Open Season Minimum Length Daily Creel Limit
14 cm rainbow smelt.
Angling, Ice Fishing
Lakes and Ponds Open year-round
No minimum length


Striped Bass

Effective at 12:00 am on May 26, 2023, CT's Striped Bass regulations change to become a slot of 28 inches to 31 inches. Any striped bass that is less than 28 inches or greater than or equal to 31 inches must be released without avoidable injury. This change was the result of emergency action by the Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission on May 2, 2023. This action set a maximum size of 31 inches for striped bass coast-wide. As a result Connecticut's previous slot of 28 inches to 35 inches is now reduced to 28-31 inches.

Photo Legal Methods Area Open Season Slot Length Daily Creel Limit
Striped bass.
Angling; Circle Hooks required when using bait - get details. All Areas Open year-round
28"-35" 1


Sturgeon Taking of sturgeon prohibited.


Trout (Brook, Brown, Lake, Rainbow, Tiger and other hybrids)

Lake Trout: Same season and daily limits below; Minimum length is 20 inches. Occasionally the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service donates Lake Trout they no longer need to CT. These fish are stocked into select lakes in order to create an immediate unique fishery. The CT Fisheries Division does not have a program to manage lake trout. Please enjoy when a stocking opportunity arises.

Trout and Salmon Stamp may be needed.

Legal Methods Area Open Season Minimum Length Daily Creel Limit
Angling, Ice Fishing Lakes and Ponds, Rivers and Streams 6:00 am second Saturday of April until last day of February No minimum length 5***
     March 1 until 6:00 am second Saturday of April No minimum length 0 (catch and release only)
Angling, Ice Fishing
Tidal Waters and Tributaries Open year-round 15" 2***
Many waters have different regulations for trout than are listed here. Please check the regulations for the specific lake/pond or river/stream you are fishing (link in left menu)

Brook Trout Brown Trout Rainbow Trout Tiger Trout
Adult male brook trout in spawning colors.
Wild brown trout.
Hatchery-raised rainbow trout.
Hatchery-raised tiger trout.


White Perch

Photo Legal Methods Area Open Season Minimum Length Daily Creel Limit
22 cm white perch.
Angling, Ice Fishing, Bobbing
Connecticut River (including coves and tributaries)
Tidally influenced Rivers and Streams
Open year-round
7" 30
  Angling, Ice Fishing, Bobbing
Lakes and Ponds
All other Rivers and Streams
Open year-round
No minimum length None


Walleye (about Walleye Management)

Photo Legal Methods Area Open Season Minimum Length Daily Creel Limit
Angling, Ice Fishing All Areas Open year-round 18" 2

** Yellow Perch, Calico Bass (Black Crappie), Rock Bass, and all species of sunfish.

*** Trout and Salmon Stamp required to keep fish.


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Please contact the Fisheries Division with any questions. 

Phone: 860-424-FISH (3474)
E-mail: deep.inland.fisheries@ct.gov

Content last updated February 2025