How Grant Awards are Calculated

Read time: 6 minutes

How much is the Supporting Arts Grant award?

All eligible applicants will receive funding.  Grant awards will be proportional to organizational operating expenses and will be calculated based on a combination of operating expenses and available funds. The minimum grant award is $1,000. The maximum grant award will be dependent on available funding and the number of eligible applicants.

How Grant Awards Are Calculated
  • Applicants report three (3) years of operating expenses

  • Applicants are assigned to a category based on average of operating expenses:

  • Under $100,000

    • $100,000 - $500,000

    • Over $500,000 - $1M

    • Over $1M

  • Funds are allocated to each category relative to the percentage that category is to the full applicant pool


    • Total number of SAP applicants: 219

    • 16 applicants fell within the "Over $1M" category

    • "Over $1M" applicants were 7% of the total applicant pool

    • The "Over $1M" category was allocated 7% of the available funds

  • Grant awards are then determined by adjusting a control percentage to remain within the funds allocated to a category.

Control Percentage - Award vs. Expenses


Chart A

Award vs. Expenses (Control

Highest Grant Award

Lowest Grant Award

Average Award

Over $1M





Over $500,000 - $1M



$ 3,602


$100,000 - $500,000


$ 8,285



Under $100,000**





Adjusted for $1,000 Minimum

12.72% - 89.89%




Adjusted for $10,000

10.65% - 10.25%




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Supporting Arts Grant