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About The Division of Criminal Justice

The Division of Criminal Justice is responsible for the investigation and prosecution of all criminal matters in the State of Connecticut. The Division is composed of the Office of the Chief State's Attorney, located in Rocky Hill, Connecticut, and the Offices of the State's Attorneys for each of the 13 Judicial Districts in the State of Connecticut. The Division employs more than 450 prosecutors, inspectors, and administrative and support staff.
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Connecticut Prosecution Standards

The Division of Criminal Justice is committed to the fair and equal administration of justice in Connecticut and acknowledges its duty to investigate and prosecute criminal matters within its jurisdiction diligently, ethically and impartially, honoring its constitutional and common law foundations. Learn more about the standards that provide guidance for the professional conduct and performance of prosecutors in fulfilling their duties.
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Moving Justice Forward Blueprint

In an effort to boost the fairness and efficiency of Connecticut’s criminal legal system, the Division of Criminal Justice and the Center for Justice Innovation developed Moving Justice Forward, a blueprint for meaningful change within the State’s Attorneys’ Offices. Learn more about the blueprint that lays out goals for positive change and concrete strategies for achieving a more equitable, effective, and fair legal process.
Patrick Griffins Headshot

Chief State’s Attorney, Patrick J. Griffin

Patrick J. Griffin was appointed Chief State's Attorney by the Criminal Justice Commission on May 12, 2022. As Chief State's Attorney, Attorney Griffin is the administrative head of the Division of Criminal Justice.

The Office of the Chief State's Attorney is responsible for all statewide administrative functions of the Division of Criminal Justice, including budget, personnel and other administrative functions.
Learn more about the Chief State's Attorney  

State's Attorneys Offices 

13 State's Attorneys serve as the chief prosecutors for their respective judicial districts.

Office Of Inspector General 

Charged with conducting investigations into use of force by peace offices.

Criminal Justice Commission 

Charged with appointing all state prosecutors employed in the Division of Criminal Justice.

Programs & Services 

Learn about the core programs and services being spearheaded by the Division of Criminal Justice.

Specialized Units 

Specialized units handle the investigation and prosecution of certain criminal and legal matters.


Explore employment opportunities with the Division of Criminal Justice.