Third Party Administrators

Public Act 11-58, which took effect October 1, 2011, gives the Connecticut Insurance Department oversight of third party administrators (TPA). A TPA is an entity that collects premiums, underwrites, adjusts or settles claims on behalf of a life, annuity or health insurer. This site includes several resources, forms and contact information for TPAs seeking to either obtain a Connecticut license or register with the Department.

License or Registration

In order to operate in Connecticut TPAs must either be licensed or registered with the Department. All licensing is done through the National Insurance Producers Registry (NIPR).

Those entities exempted by statute from TPA licensure, but perform some elements of TPA service must Register with the Department. A list of exemptions for licensure may be found on the TPA registration form below.

For Licenses

For Registration

Annual Report:

Effective as of October 1st 2015, pursuant to Public Act 15-187, Third Party Administrators (TPA’s) are no longer required to file an annual report with the state of Connecticut Insurance Department. The previous annual report submission which was due on July 1st has been eliminated.

The information previously contained in the annual report shall still be provided by the TPA’s to the Department when they submit the annual license renewal forms.

These changes only apply to those TPAs which hold licenses within the state of Connecticut, and not to those TPAs which only hold a registration.

Other Resources:

Contacts or questions:

For more information, contact