The federal Fair Credit Reporting Act entitles consumers to a free copy of their personal claims information report generated by consumer reporting agency, LexisNexis®. The report contains seven years of claims history for auto and homeowners policies and allows for consumers to verify the accuracy of the information and correct erroneous information.
Insurance companies report all claims in which they pay out money, set up a file for a potential claim or formally deny a claim. The companies use the C.L.U.E. report when they are underwriting a policy.
A C.L.U.E. report contains:
- Your Name
- Date of birth
- Policy number
- Date of loss
- Type of loss
- Amount paid by insurer
- Description of covered property
- Property address
- Specific vehicle information
To get your free C.L.U.E. report contact:
LexisNexis, Consumer Center
Request your personal report online (www.lexisnexis.com)
Call 866-312-8076
For help with all your insurance questions, contact the Connecticut Insurance Department:
- Ask a question or file a complaint online
- Email your complaint to: insurance@ct.gov
- Call the Consumer Helpline at 800-203-3447 or 860-297-3900
- Sign up for e-alerts to get the latest news, warnings and rate changes that may affect your premium
- Download consumer FAQs on health, homeowner and auto
- Use the Department’s Speakers Bureau for public events.
- Visit our Web site and follow the Department on Facebook, Twitter or YouTube
- Write to CID at:
Connecticut Insurance Department
P.O. Box 816
Hartford, CT 06142-0816
Connecticut Insurance Department