CID - Here For You
Frequently Asked Questions About C.L.U.E.
(Comprehensive Loss Underwriting Exchange)

What is C.L.U.E.?

C.L.U.E. (Comprehensive Loss Underwriting Exchange) is a claims history database produced by consumer reporting agency LexisNexis® that enables insurance companies to access consumer claims information when they are underwriting or rating an insurance policy.

How can I obtain a copy of my C.L.U.E. report?

Under the federal Fair Credit Reporting Act you can request a copy of your C.L.U.E. report from LexisNexis® toll free at 1-866-312-8076 or by visiting:

Who has access to C.L.U.E.?

Insurance companies that contribute loss data to C.L.U.E. can withdraw information from the exchange. In addition, some insurance agents, with the authority of the company they represent, can withdraw data.

How do insurers use C.L.U.E. reports?

C.L.U.E. reports are used almost exclusively to underwrite and rate new policies. Most insurers renewing existing policies do not access C.L.U.E. reports at renewal, largely because they already have loss histories for these properties in their own database.

What information is included in a C.L.U.E. report?

It includes policy information such as name, date of birth, and policy number, claim information such as date of loss, type of loss and amounts paid, and a description of the property covered. For homeowner’s coverage, the report includes the property address, and for auto coverage, it includes specific vehicle information.

Is there any other information besides loss history in the database?

Only policy information including loss history is stored in the database. No other sources of data, such as credit reports, criminal records, civil lawsuits, or legal judgments are incorporated into C.L.U.E. reports.

How long is loss history kept in the C.L.U.E. database?

The database contains up to 7 years of personal property claims history.

Who contributes to the C.L.U.E. database?

Only insurance companies that subscribe to C.L.U.E. can submit loss data and access C.L.U.E. reports. Consumers can access C.L.U.E. reports on themselves and their own properties. Some companies choose not to subscribe to C.L.U.E. Losses filed with nonparticipating companies will not appear on a C.L.U.E. report.

Why are insurance companies allowed to obtain a copy of my loss history report?

Under the federal Fair Credit Reporting Act, LexisNexis® is allowed to produce a C.L.U.E. report for the following insurance-related purposes:

  • When the consumer reporting agency has reason to believe a person or company intends to use the information in connection with the underwriting of a consumer’s insurance policy. This includes situations where the consumer asks for an insurance quote or applies for insurance.
  • When the request for the C.L.U.E. report is initiated by and at the request of the insurance company or agent.

Can I order a C.L.U.E. report on property I want to purchase?

No. Under the federal Fair Credit Reporting Act, C.L.U.E. reports can be accessed only by the owner, insurer, or lender for the property. However, you can request that the current owner of the property order a C.L.U.E. report.

How can I correct erroneous information on my C.L.U.E. report?

If you discover an error on your C.L.U.E. report, such as an invalid claim report, or an incorrect loss payment, you can contact LexisNexis® directly and report the problem. LexisNexis® will then contact the insurance company on your behalf, ask for clarification, and notify you of the results within 30 days. If you feel an item in the C.L.U.E. report deserves an explanation, you can submit a personal statement, which LexisNexis® will add to all future C.L.U.E. reports.

Can insurers add notes to a consumer’s C.L.U.E. file?

Only consumers can add notations to their individual C.L.U.E. reports. For instance, if a dog bite claim occurs and the homeowner gets rid of the dog, the consumer can add this notation to the C.L.U.E report for the property. Insurance companies are not allowed to add notations to the database.

Can C.L.U.E. reports distinguish between an inquiry and a claim?

The distinction between an inquiry and a claim is an important one. An inquiry is generally regarded as a call by a consumer to a company representative or agent to discuss terms of coverage including the extent of coverage on a specific loss. C.L.U.E. reports indicate losses by type. Consumers contacting their company or their agent to discuss an actual loss might be considered reporting a claim, even if the company does not end up making a claim payment. This is because when a loss occurs, the policy requires the company to take specific actions within specified time frames. Consumers should be specific as to whether they are filing a claim or only making an inquiry. For instance, a consumer may contact his/her agent to report an event, such as a broken water pipe and to determine the extent of coverage in order to decide whether or not to go forward with the claims process with the company. A consumer discussing this situation generally may be making an inquiry but if discussing an actual loss may be making a claim. The insurer might not indemnify the consumer for this loss for a variety of reasons: the amount of damage may be below the deductible, the consumer may decide to pay for the damage, or there may be no coverage for such a loss under the terms of the policy. If the consumer filed an actual claim and the insurer made no loss payment on this claim, this information would be recorded by the company and may appear on a C.L.U.E. report. Many insurers are working on ways to inform their policyholders about the important distinction between a claim and an inquiry.

Can an insurance company use loss history from the prior owner of a home in determining my eligibility to get insurance on the home?

If a company can show a relationship between the prior owner’s loss and the probability of a future loss to the home, they may use the information. There are no laws that specifically govern the use of the prior owner’s loss history in determining your eligibility for coverage.

Can the insurance company report claims to the C.L.U.E database that are closed without payment?

If those claims were reported to the company as a claim (not merely an inquiry about possible coverage) and subsequently denied, it would not be considered contrary to current law to report the claim to C.L.U.E. Insurers have been instructed by C.L.U.E. not to report inquiries about possible coverage.

For help with all your insurance questions, contact the Connecticut Insurance Department:

  • Ask a question or file a complaint online
  • Email your complaint to:
  • Call the Consumer Helpline at 800-203-3447 or 860-297-3900
  • Sign up for e-alerts to get the latest news, warnings and rate changes that may affect your premium
  • Download consumer FAQs on health, homeowner and auto
  • Use the Department’s Speakers Bureau  for public events.
  • Visit our Web site and follow the Department on Facebook, Twitter or YouTube
  • Write to CID at:
    • Connecticut Insurance Department
      P.O. Box 816
      Hartford, CT 06142-0816