How are elementary and early childhood cross-endorsements added?

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Elementary and early childhood cross-endorsements for Connecticut educators

Effective July 1, 2023, in accordance with Public Act No. 23-159, someone who holds a valid Connecticut teaching certificate may obtain a cross-endorsement for Integrated Early Childhood/Special Ed., Birth-Kindergarten (#112) and/or Integrated Early Childhood/Elementary Ed. N-3 and Special Ed., N-K (#113) endorsements based on meeting coursework and assessment requirements. An institutional recommendation verifying completion of a planned certification program is no longer required, but will still be accepted.

NOTE: Coursework may be completed at any regionally accredited college or university at the associate, bachelor, master, or doctoral levels.

The following endorsements apply to elementary and early childhood educators:
  • Elementary, 1-6 (305)
  • Integrated Early Childhood/Special Education, Birth-Kindergarten (112)
  • Integrated Early Childhood/Elementary Education N-3 and Special Education N-K (113)

The requirements outlined on this page are general guidelines. Approval and/or acceptance of specific course work will be determined once an application, fee, and official transcripts have been submitted for review.

Elementary, 1-6 (#305)

The following requirements must be met for an elementary endorsement:

A list of approved courses for elementary cross-endorsement is available on our website.

Early Childhood/Special Education (#112 and #113)

Effective July 1, 2023, in accordance with Public Act No. 23-159, someone who holds a valid Connecticut teaching certificate may obtain a cross-endorsement for Integrated Early Childhood/Special Ed., Birth-Kindergarten (#112) and/or Integrated Early Childhood/Elementary Ed. N-3 and Special Ed., N-K (#113) endorsements based on meeting coursework and assessment requirements. An institutional recommendation verifying completion of a planned certification program is no longer required, but will still be accepted. NOTE: Coursework may be completed at any regionally accredited college or university at the associate, bachelor, master, or doctoral levels.

Please note: Coursework for all endorsements must result in the award of college-level credit posted to an official transcript from an accredited college or university.


Integrated Early Childhood/Special Ed., Birth–Kindergarten (#112)

A minimum of 30 semester hours of credit including study in each of the following:

  • typical/atypical development, birth – age 5
  • emergent literacy
  • integrated early childhood language arts
  • program planning and evaluation in young children, including those with special needs
  • the role of play in learning environments
  • early childhood program models and the role of family
  • methods for teaching early childhood students with special needs
  • special ed diagnosis at the early childhood level


At least two of the following areas:

  • infant & toddler assessment and development
  • infant & toddler program models
  • curriculum development for infants and toddlers
  • adaptations for infants and toddlers with special needs


Field experience in Birth-Kindergarten  (Choose ONE to complete)

  • 10 school months of service under a DSAP in B-K setting; * or
  • appropriate practicum in integrated B-K setting (min. 6 credits); ** or
  • 10 months under Birth-to-Three Waiver Authorization or Kindergarten Waiver Authorization***

* If you are employed in a Connecticut public school district and serve successfully under a one-year Durational Shortage Area Permit (DSAP) #112, the field experience is satisfied.

** Practicum means supervised field or clinical training in an educationally suitable placement as determined by an approved institution. Placement in PreK or K must include children with special needs.

*** Birth-to-Three Waiver Authorization (Public Act 21-172, Section 15)

*** Kindergarten Waiver Authorization (Public Act 18-51, Section 6)


Integrated Early Childhood/Elementary Education N-3 and Special Education N-K (#113)

A minimum of 30 semester hours of credit including study in each of the following:

  • typical/atypical development, birth – age 8
  • emergent literacy
  • language arts in the primary grades
  • program planning and evaluation in young children, including those with special needs
  • the role of play in learning environments
  • early childhood program models and the role of family
  • methods for teaching early childhood students with special needs
  • special ed diagnosis at the early childhood level


At least two of the following areas:

  • elementary curriculum and methods
  • assessment and evaluation in the primary grades
  • adapting curriculum for primary grade children with special needs
  • other areas of study with an elementary education focus


Field experience in PreK and/or Kindergarten (Choose ONE to complete)

  • 10 school months under a DSAP in PreK/K; * or
  • appropriate practicum in integrated PreK/K (min. 6 credits); ** or
  • 10 months under Kindergarten Waiver Authorization***

* If you are employed in a Connecticut public school district and serve successfully under a one-year Durational Shortage Area Permit (DSAP) #113, the field experience is satisfied.

** Practicum means supervised field or clinical training in an educationally suitable placement as determined by an approved institution. Placements in PreK or K must include children with special needs.

*** Kindergarten Waiver Authorization (Public Act 18-51, Section 6)



  • Pearson Early Childhood test
  • Pearson Foundations of Reading test
