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Co-chairs:  Drs. Kyle McClaine and Richard Kamin

The CEMSMAC is a standing committee of the CEMSAB established pursuant CGS 19a-178(c) and "shall provide the commissioner, the advisory board and other ad hoc committees with advice and comment regarding the medical aspects of their projects.  The standing committee may submit reports directly to the commissioner regarding medically-related concerns that have not, in the standing committee's opinion, been satisfactorily addressed by the advisory board."

Its membership is composed of the five Regional Medical Advisory Committee physician Chairpersons, one physician representative of the state EMS for Children Committee, and the State EMS Medical Director.  Additionally, the Clinical Coordinators Committee conducts their business during CEMSMAC meetings. 

Meetings are typically held the 2nd Thursday of the month.


CT EMS Medical Advisory Committee 2025 Meeting Agenda and Minutes
Month Day Documents
January 09 agenda, minutes
February 13 agenda, minutes
March 13  


May 08  
June 12  
July 10  
August 14  
September 11  
October 09  
November 13  
December 17  
CT EMS Medical Advisory Committee 2024 Meeting Agenda and Minutes
Month Day Documents
January -- Meeting canceled
February 08 agenda, minutes
March 14 agenda, minutes
April 11 agenda, minutes
May 09 agenda, minutes
June 13 agenda, minutes
July -- No meeting held
August --  No meeting held
September 12 agenda, minutes
October 10 agenda, minutes
November 14 agenda, minutes
December 12 agenda, minutes


CT EMS Medical Advisory Committee 2023 Meeting Agenda and Minutes
Month Day Documents
January 12 agenda, minutes
February 09 agenda, minutes
March 09 agenda, minutes
April 13 agenda, minutes
May 11 agenda, minutes
June 08 agenda, minutes
July -- No meeting held
August 10 agenda, minutes
September 14 agenda, minutes
October 12 agenda, minutes
November 09 agenda, minutes
December 14 agenda, minutes

CT EMS Medical Advisory Committee 2022 Meeting Agenda and Minutes
Month Documents
December agenda, minutes
November agenda, minutes
October agenda, minutes
September agenda, minutes
August  agenda, minutes
July No meeting held
June agenda, minutes
May agenda, minutes
April agenda, minutes
March agenda, minutes
February agenda, minutes
January agenda, minutes

CT EMS Medical Advisory Committee 2021 Meeting Agenda and Minutes
Month Documents
December agenda, minutes
November No meeting held
October agenda, minutes
September agenda, minutes
August agenda, minutes
July No meeting held
June agenda, minutes
May agenda, minutes
April agenda, minutes
March agenda, minutes
February agenda, minutes
January agenda, minutes


2020 committee documents

CEMSMAC Consolidated 2020 Agenda and Minutes

2019 committee documents

CEMSMAC Consolidated 2019 Agenda and Minutes

CEMSMAC EMS-to-ED Handoff Tool

CEMSMAC Bylaws Approved March 2019

2018 committee documents

CEMSMAC Committee 2018 Agenda and Minutes

CEMSMAC 2018 Yearly Report

June 2018 Bleeding Control Summary of Changes


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