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  • Am I required to add metadata to the content page?
    Answer: Metadata is not required, however, the meta title will automatically display the page title, while the meta description and meta keywords will remain empty until filled in.
  • Can I edit or remove the metadata?


    • From the Experience Editor, just select the Add/Edit Metadata link and edit or remove the existing content.
    • From the Content Editor, scroll to the Metadata section and edit or remove the existing content.
  • Can I insert special characters?
    Answer: Yes. Special characters are allowed in metadata.
  • What are some standard guidelines I can use for Metadata?

    Here are some simple guidelines for Metadata to ensure optimal results:


    • Keywords should appear in the title.
    • Keep titles under 65 characters to ensure they show up on search engine result pages (SERPs) in full.
    • You may add your Agency name in the title to help provide context around it. For example: Renew your driver license through the Department of Motor Vehicles


    • Try to keep the description to no more than two sentences or 160 characters.
    • Including keywords to show visitors that the content is relevant to their needs.
    • Write a description to catch the visitor's attention.


    • Use only unique key words or phrases that visitors may enter to find that piece of information.
    • Separate keywords with a coma.
    • Do not overuse keywords.
  • What is Metadata?

    Metadata is data that serves to provide context or additional information about other data such as titles, descriptions, and keywords. Adding metadata helps search engines understand the content of your page (in addition to the content ON your page).

    • MetaTitle - The title that displays in the browser or browser tab header and in search results.
    • MetaDescription - A brief description of the content page that displays in search results.
    • MetaKeywords - A short list of keywords or phrases that match key words visitors may enter into a search engine.
  • Why do I want to add metadata?

    When used properly, adding metadata can improve Search Engine Optimization (SEO) by providing search engines additional information about your page.

    • MetaDescription has little to no effect on search engine rankings, but it does appear in search results. If this is not provided, the search engine will pull the first bit of content it comes across.
    • MetaKeywords is not acknowledged by the Google search engine because it can easily be abused, so can be ignored.

      NOTE: Keep in mind that metadata serves as additional assistance, not the ONLY assistance. Search engines rely heavily on the content within your page to generate accurate search results and rankings.