Civic Engagement Initiatives
Civic education means understanding your rights as a citizen. Civic engagement means participating in your community and helping the public by identifying issues and working to solve problems.
Secretary Thomas is committed to promoting the importance of both civic education and civic engagement across the state. Through her work with nonprofit organizations, as an active volunteer in her community and when serving in the Connecticut General Assembly, Secretary Thomas has experienced the profound impact engaged citizens can have on the shaping of government and its policies. Recognizing knowledge is power, she is focused on teaching Connecticut residents how to navigate government to advocate for their own interests.
Secretary Thomas believes all Connecticut residents should understand their rights and be encouraged to participate in their communities. She wants to break down barriers that might discourage or prevent people from voting. She sees the Secretary of the State’s office as a place where residents can go for information and tools to use. Whether you want to know where to vote or how to run for office, she wants you to have the information you need.
Voting is essential to our democracy, and Secretary Thomas is committed to ensuring that all eligible voters in Connecticut are enabled to vote, no matter where they live, what language they speak, which disability they may have, how old they are, whether they own a business or work three jobs.
Below are links to help educate and empower your engagement with your government.
Below are links to help educate and empower your engagement with your government.
- Register to Vote
- Find Your Polling Place, Upcoming Elections, Voter Registration Deadlines, Ballot Drop Box Locations, and more
- Absentee Ballot Information
- Guide to Voter Rights
- Disability Voting Rights Information
- Military and Overseas Citizen Voting Guidelines
- CT General Assembly Citizen’s Guide
- How to Find Your Representatives
- CT General Assembly Bulletin: Informs you of legislative events including public hearings and committee meetings
- CT Network: Broadcasts meetings and events happening at the State Capitol
- Be A Poll Worker
- Information on how to get on the ballot to run for office in Connecticut
- Links to Major and Minor Political Parties in Connecticut
Serve on a Board, Council or Commission
The State of Connecticut offers many opportunities to serve by being appointed to a Board, Council or Commission. If you are interested in pursuing an appointment opportunity, you may want to start by contacting your State Representative or State Senator. They often can be very helpful in assisting you in gathering information and generally navigating the application process. Likewise, professional associations or trade associations can also be helpful, especially if you are a member and/or if they have an ongoing legislative advocacy program.
And lastly, of course, you may always simply pitch your interest directly to the appointing authority.
Gubernatorial Appointments:
Additional contact information for the Connecticut Governor can be found on the Governor's official state website.
For more information on the Boards, Councils and Commissions and how to submit an application to the governor’s office, use the State Department of Administrative Services online form.
Legislative Appointments:
House Democrats
Contact information for legislative leadership can be found at the General Assembly’s website. Below are links for contact information for each legislative leader:
House Republicans
Senate Democrats
Senate Republicans
Civics in the Community
- Civics 101: Educational Resources and Materials
- Civically Engaged Organization (CEO) Pledge
- The Power of Civics
- Next Gen Elections
- Connecticut Civic Health Index
- League of Women Voters Connecticut
- Everyday Democracy
Civics in the Classroom
- Red, White, and Blue Schools
- Connecticut’s Kid Governor®
- Voting Rights Unit (High School)
- Internship Opportunities
- My Election My Vote (formally known as the Connecticut Election Project)
- Civic First Teachers Resources