'My Election, My Vote' (formally known as the Connecticut Election Project) is an effort led by former Secretary of the State Denise Merrill in conjunction with teachers, partner organizations, and other individuals with an interest in engaging students in thinking more deeply about their role in the democracy in which they live. We present here ideas, tools, and resources for teachers to spark their students’ interest in the election process, from the national Presidential race to the statewide Senate race to local Connecticut General Assembly races. The lessons and student activities align with the Connecticut Social Studies Framework, the C3 Framework (College, Career, and Civic Life), the International Literacy Association for Reading Professionals and Literacy Coaches, and the National Council for Teachers of English policy briefs on digital and new literacies.
In developing this curriculum, we have been driven by a belief that the strength of our society tomorrow will be determined by the youth of today. By engaging our young people in civic life as early as possible, we hope to instill a lifetime of participation in public life. It is our hope that the included 'My Election, My Vote' lessons will engage today’s youth to take an active role in their citizenship and empower them to better understand the government and civic society in which they live.
In providing the material for these lessons, it is our hope that teachers will find lesson plans and resources that will be engaging, interactive, and authentic. Supplementary materials are provided for all major units of study and included in the tabs and links above. For an additional resource, please check-out the "Red, White & Blue Schools Initiative," a civic engagement program.