What are the approved courses for the special education course required of all certification holders?

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Courses for Connecticut educators teaching special education classes

Connecticut regulations require the completion of a course in special education for all applicants seeking certification.

Regulations mandate the course be comprised of not fewer than 36 clock hours, to include study in understanding the growth and development of exceptional children, including handicapped and gifted and talented children, and children who may require special education, and methods of identifying, planning for, and working effectively with special needs children in the regular classroom.

This list includes pre-approved courses for meeting this requirement. If you have previously taken a course not included on this list, please submit a course description and/or syllabus for review. If you are planning to enroll in a course not included on this list, please submit a course description and/or syllabus for review prior to your enrollment in the course.

This may not be a comprehensive list and is based on information provided to the department from the included institutions.

Connecticut State Community Colleges (includes Asnuntuck, Capitol, Gateway, Housatonic, Manchester, Middlesex, Naugatuck Valley, Norwalk, Northwestern Connecticut, Three Rivers, and Tunxis campuses)

ECED 2515 Exceptional Learners

Approved courses formerly offered at Connecticut community colleges include: ECE 215 The Exceptional Learner, ECS 107 Intro to Exceptional Children Seminar I, ECS 207 Intro to Exceptional Children Seminar II, PSY 163 Educating Exceptional Children, EDU 202 Teaching Strategies for Special Needs, PSY 260 Psychology of the Exceptional Child)

Albertus Magnus College

ED 227 Special Education for the Classroom Teacher

Central Connecticut State University

SPED 470 Education of the Exceptional Learner (Formerly SPED 366*)
*SPED 366 Educating the Handicapped Child
SPED 315 Introduction to Educating Learners with Exceptionalities (Formerly SPED 470)
SPED 501 Education of the Exceptional Learner
SPED 565 Educating the Handicapped Child
PE 406 Adapted Physical Education (for physical education majors only)
PSY 365 Psychology of the Exceptional Child

Charter Oak State College

PSY 335 Psychology of Exceptional Children

Connecticut College

EDU 510S Special Education (no longer offered)
HMD 412 Issues in Individual Differences in Development
HMD 225 Individual Differences in Development

Eastern Connecticut State University

EDU 307 Inclusive Elementary Classrooms (with Permission of Instructor)
EDU 308 Inclusive Secondary Classrooms (with Permission of Instructor)
EDU 582 Teaching Exceptional Children

Fairfield University

ED 350 Special Learners in the Regular Classroom
SE 430 Special Learners in the Regular Classroom
SE 403 Psychoeducational Issues in Special Education
SE 405 Exceptional Learners in the Mainstream

Post University

ECE 208 Teaching the Exceptional Child

Quinnipiac College

ED 582 Special Education (formerly Mainstreaming Special Education Students in the Middle and Secondary Schools

Sacred Heart University

ED 205 Education of Special Needs Students
ED 569 Education of Special Needs Students

Southern Connecticut State University

SED 225 Introduction to Exceptional Individuals
SED 481 Teaching Exceptional Students in the Elementary Classroom
SED 482 Teaching Exceptional Students in the Secondary Classroom
SED 502 Introduction to Exceptional Learners

Special Education Resource Center (SERC) For Administrators Only

Enhancing Instructional Programs Within Schools: Training for Principals in Special Education Administration

University of Bridgeport

EDUC 337 Teaching the Special Needs Students
EDUC 564 Education of the Exceptional Student

University of Connecticut

EDLR 381 Practicum: Administrative Field Experience: Leadership in Exceptional Children Programs (UCAPP only)
EPSY 206 Exceptional Children (previously called "Introduction to Exceptionality")
EPSY 207 Exceptionality I (Replaced October 2005)
EPSY 208 Exceptionality II (Replaced October 2005)
EPSY 308 Instructions for Students w/Special Needs in the Mainstream
EPSY 387 Administration and Supervision of Special Education
DSEL 320 Direct Practice in Schools for Children with Educational Disabilities and Their Families (formerly SPTP 318)
ESPY 207 Exceptionality *must be taken in conjunction with EGEN 295 to meet state mandate.

Note: EPSY 207/208 Not acceptable for cross-endorsement; applicant must be enrolled in planned program to take these two courses.

University of Hartford

EDH 120 Psychology of Exceptionalities
EDH 510 Theoretical Foundations: Children and Adults w/ Spec Needs

University of Saint Joseph

SOCW 674 Social Work Practice in Schools
SPEC 237 Exceptional Children (also PSYC 237)
SPEC 516 Psychology of Exceptional Children
SPEC 517 Children with Mild Disabilities
SPEC 582 Exceptional Adolescents (acceptable for middle grades and secondary academic preparation only)

Western Connecticut State University

EPY 405 Introduction to Special Education
EPY 509 Educational Problems of Exceptional Children
ED 733 Critical Issues: Inclusion and Special Education (NOT the Seminar-different topics)

Approved Course Lists