How can I determine whether an out-of-state program will make me eligible for certification in Connecticut?

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Out-of-state programs and Connecticut certification

The Connecticut Board of Education only approves Connecticut programs. Out-of-state programs must be approved by the appropriate approval authority in each state. Connecticut certification regulations require completion of general academic and professional education course work at an accredited college or university. The professional education must be part of a state-approved planned program and lead to an institutional recommendation for certification.

Educators who choose to complete an out-of-state program should research the program very carefully. First, make sure the institution is accredited. Only course work and programs completed through a regionally accredited college or university can be accepted toward obtaining Connecticut certification. To determine whether an institution is accredited, visit

Second, it is important to confirm that the program is a state-approved certification program. Some programs may result in a master’s degree, for example, but do not result in an institutional recommendation for certification. To determine whether a certification program is approved, contact the Department of Education in the state where the institution is located or based.


Endorsements and Course Work