K-12 Education

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  • School Climate Transformation Grant

    The School Climate Transformation Grant (SCTG) is a five-year federal award that has been established to assist state agencies in developing, enhancing and expanding their statewide systems of support for, and technical assistance to, local educational agencies (LEAs) and schools implementing an evidence-based, multi-tiered behavioral framework (MTBF), e.g., Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (PBIS), for improving behavioral outcomes and learning conditions for all students.

  • School Governance Councils

    School Governance Councils provide an opportunity for Connecticut schools to engage with families and community members in the essential dialogue about student achievement and preparing all students for success.

  • School Improvement Grants

    School Improvement Grants

  • School Nurse Advisory Council

    Agendas and minutes from meetings of the Connecticut School Nurse Advisory Council.

  • School Nurse Bulletin

    The Connecticut State Department of Education's monthly communication tool to keep school nurses informed and involved.

  • School Nursing

    Guidance and resources for Connecticut’s school nurses.

  • School Nutrition Programs

    Information and guidance on the U.S. Department of Agriculture's school nutrition programs, including the National School Lunch Program (NSLP), School Breakfast Program (SBP), Afterschool Snack Program (ASP), Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Program (FFVP), Special Milk Program (SMP), and Seamless Summer Option (SSO) of the NSLP.

  • School Safety and Security

    Resources to help schools develop plans for ensuring students' safety and security

  • School Social Work

    Guidance and resources for Connecticut’s school social workers.

  • School-Family-Community Partnerships

    When schools, families and the community work together, children benefit. School staff, families and community members each make important contributions to student development and success, and the best results come when all three work together as equal partners.

  • Schools of Distinction 2015-2016

    The CSDE is recognizing 116 Schools of Distinction according to the following criteria: 1) Highest Performing, 2) Highest Growth, and 3) Greatest Improvers.

  • Science Safety

    Students and teachers must be aware of the potential for safety problems in the science classrooms and laboratories. Schools should review available safety resources and develop safety training for their teachers and students as well as safety rules for the classroom.

  • Science Standards and Resources

    A foundation in scientific literacy prepares students to be confident and capable lifelong learners who are equipped with the skills needed to access, understand, evaluate and apply information in various contexts.

  • Seamless Summer Option (SSO) of the NSLP

    The U.S. Department of Agriculture's SSO combines features of the NSLP, SBP, and SFSP to reduce paperwork and administrative burden, making it easier for schools to feed children from low-income areas during the traditional summer vacation periods.

  • SIF Help Site

    This site is dedicated to helping you with SIF.