As many CT customers are experiencing increases in electric bills, PURA is committed to hearing from the public. While we welcome feedback, please note that the best place to direct individual questions about your bill is to your utility company. Additionally, we kindly ask for your patience as PURA's small call center team works to respond to the large volume of inquiries being received. Please refer to these Frequently Asked Questions for further information: PURA FAQs

Office Summary

Connecticut’s Public Utilities Regulatory Authority (PURA) is divided into multiple offices, each of which specialize in the execution of different portions of PURA’s broad statutory authority and mission statement to ensure safe, adequate, and reliable utility service at reasonable rates.

The Office of Technical and Regulatory Analysis (TRA) is the technical lead on all docketed matters before the Authority. Specific responsibilities of TRA include, but are not limited to, conducting comprehensive reviews of electric, gas, and water rates, advancing energy affordability through utility programs and other initiatives, overseeing infrastructure investments and improvements, conducting natural gas safety oversight duties, and implementing public policies such as the state's clean energy, reliability and resilience, emergency response, cybersecurity, and Call Before You Dig programs and the Equitable Modern Grid Framework.

TRA is composed of six units: the Clean and Affordable Energy (CAE) Unit; the Reliability, Security, and Resilience (RSR) Unit; the Utility Performance and Analysis (UPA) Unit; the Revenue Requirements Unit (RRU); the Gas Pipeline Safety Unit (GPSU); and the Strategy and Operations Unit (SOU).

Managing Director: Joshua Ryor

Clean and Affordable
Energy (CAE) Unit

CAE is tasked with oversight of the clean and renewable energy programs administered by the electric utilities and oversight of all energy affordability-related programs and offerings of the state's regulated public service companies.

Revenue Requirements
Unit (RRU)

RRU houses the traditional financial and accounting expertise for TRA. RRU is tasked with leading all rate cases, in coordination with and assistance from the other TRA units.



Reliability, Security, Resilience
(RSR) Unit

RSR seeks to enhance the end-product provided to utility customers, focusing on improving reliability, cyber and physical security, resilience, and emergency planning. RSR also works to increase broadband access across Connecticut.

Gas Pipeline Safety Unit

GPSU is tasked with oversight of safe and reliable operation of intrastate gas facilities, including the Local Distribution Companies' gas pipeline infrastructure, along with other gas-related safety oversight duties.

Utility Performance and Analysis (UPA) Unit

UPA leads TRA's cross-disciplinary work with a focus on innovative approaches to modernizing utility regulation, improving public utility performance, and realizing Connecticut’s public policy goals, including advancing the state’s ambitious greenhouse gas emission targets.

Strategy and Operations
Unit (SOU)

SOU handles PURA's undocketed strategic initiatives, such as leading the Innovation Advisory Council, interagency coordination on federal funding opportunities, and internal planning efforts, among others. SOU also houses TRA's case coordinators and is responsible for procedural communications regarding docketed matters.

Through the Equitable Modern Grid Framework, PURA has established objectives that govern TRA's work in fulfilling the agency's mission and improving the state's electric infrastructure. The four objectives of the Equitable Modern Grid Framework are vital to ensuring a clean, equitable, and affordable future for Connecticut's ratepayers:
  • Support (or remove barriers to) the growth of Connecticut’s green economy;
  • Enable a cost-effective, economy-wide transition to a decarbonized future;
  • Enhance customers access to a more resilient, reliable, and secure commodity; and
  • Advance the ongoing energy affordability dialogue in the State, particularly in underserved communities.

Get Involved
: Your Voice Matters

Contact the Office Technical & Regulatory Analysis

Laura Lupoli - Administrative Case Coordinator
860-827-2631 |