A notice about two Resource Centers.

Congress ended the replacement SNAP benefit program in December 2024. The best way to protect yourself against EBT theft is to call 1-888-328-2666 to change your PIN number before the start of each month.

Due to renovations the DSS Manchester office will be temporarily closed. A new temporary location opened Monday, Jan. 27 at 146 Hartford Road, Manchester. 

Wait times at the Waterbury Resource Center may be longer than usual due to renovations.

We are still open to serve you. For additional assistance you can also call 1-855-626-6632 or visit connect.ct.gov. We apologize for the inconvenience.

Most Popular Services

  • Health and Home Care
  • HUSKY Health (Medicaid & Children’s Health Insurance Program)

    HUSKY Health is the State of Connecticut’s public health coverage program for eligible children, parents, relative caregivers, elders, individuals with disabilities, adults without dependent children, and pregnant women.

  • Autism Spectrum Disorder - ASD

    Effective January 1, 2015, the Department of Social Services expanded its coverage of Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) evaluation and treatment services for Medicaid enrolled members (HUSKY A, C, or D) under the age of 21 for whom ASD services are medically necessary.

  • Long-Term Services and Supports

    Long-Term Services and Supports benefit eligibility is one of the most complex areas of Medicaid.  Because Medicaid is a program for the poor or near-poor, there is a rigorous eligibility determination process, in part to help ensure that applicants are not attempting to gain benefits by inappropriate divesting of assets. 

  • MED-Connect (Medicaid for Employees with Disabilities)

    The Department administers programs which promote social, physical and economic well-being while providing people with disabilities with opportunities to achieve their full potential for self-direction. The Department works closely with an advisory council comprised primarily of people with disabilities which makes recommendations to improve the planning, development and administration of programs. 

  • Medicare Savings Program

    The State of Connecticut offers financial assistance to eligible Medicare enrollees through our 'Medicare Savings Programs.' These programs may help pay Medicare Part B premiums, deductibles and co-insurance.

  • Food and Nutrition
  • Supplemental Nutrition Assistance program SNAP

    The Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), formerly known as Food Stamps, helps eligible individuals and families afford the cost of food at supermarkets, grocery stores and farmers’ markets.

  • Employment and Training

    SNAP E&T is a work program designed to help SNAP recipients gain skills that will help increase self-sufficiency.

  • Disaster Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (DSNAP)

    Disaster Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (DSNAP) provides temporary food assistance for households affected by a natural disaster. 

  • Commodity Supplemental Food Program

    The Commodity Supplemental Food Program (CSFP) works to help improve the health of low-income persons at least 60 years of age by supplementing their diets with nutritious food products provided by the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA). 

  • Farmer's Markets

    Many Farmers' Markets and Farm Stands throughout Connecticut now can accept EBT/SNAP (Formerly known as Food Stamps). This means you will once again be able to buy locally grown fruits and vegetables that arrive more quickly and fresher than those transported long distances from other states and countries.

  • Nutrition Assistance Programs

    Nutrition Assistance programs provide food and cash equivalents to various populations DSS serves. Their goal is to promote adequate nutrition among the target populations.

  • Children Family and Older Adults
  • Protective Services for the Elderly

    To make a report, call Protective Services for the Elderly at the Department of Social Services during business hours at the toll-free line: 1-888-385-4225

  • Child Support

    The goal of the Office of Child Support Services is to improve the circumstances of children and their families by providing a path to self-sufficiency. 

  • The Connecticut Fatherhood Initiative

    The Connecticut Fatherhood Initiative is a broad-based, multi-agency, statewide program led by the Department of Social Services that is focused on changing the systems that can improve fathers’ ability to be fully and positively involved in the lives of their children.

  • Community and Social Work
  • Economic Security - Electronic Benefits Transfer EBT

    The goals of the DSS-EBT project are to: provide a more reliable, stable, and convenient benefit delivery system; to provide a more cost effective and efficient benefit issuance system; to eliminate ATP card redemption, SNAP handling, and check cashing in Connecticut banks; to provide authorized SNAP retailers with EBT technology at the point-of-sale and streamlined accounting and settlement procedures for SNAP; to reduce the administrative costs of benefit issuance; and to reduce fraud and SNAP benefit trafficking associated with the paper benefit issuance process.

  • Energy Assistance - Winter Heating

    The Connecticut Energy Assistance Program (CEAP) is now open at community action agency sites around the state. To schedule an appointment, please call your local community action agency at the phone number provided below. You can also contact 2-1-1- United Way or the DSS Office of Community Services at 1-800-842-1132 for contact information on the intake site closest to where you reside.

  • Human Services Infrastructure

    In the system we envision, people would be able to get help that felt like help when they needed it and access concrete resources to support their efforts toward improved self-sufficiency. 

  • Refugee Assistance Program

    The Office of Community Services of the Department of Social Services (DSS) is responsible for disbursing federal funds related to the resettlement of refugees in Connecticut.  Refugees are assigned by the U.S. State Department to local affiliates of national voluntary resettlement agencies in Connecticut.

  • Social Work Services

    Social Work Services develops services and methods of service delivery designed to respect the client’s right to self-determination and empower and protect individuals, families and those who are economically disadvantaged or otherwise vulnerable. 

  • Financial and Employment
  • DSS Employment Opportunities

    Job opportunities within the Department of Social Services.

  • Economic Security - Financial Assistance

    The financial assistance programs provide income support to individuals and families to meet their basic needs while encouraging their maximum degree of independence.

  • Economic Security - Electronic Benefits Transfer

    The goals of the DSS-EBT project are to: provide a more reliable, stable, and convenient benefit delivery system; to provide a more cost effective and efficient benefit issuance system; to eliminate ATP card redemption, SNAP handling, and check cashing in Connecticut banks; to provide authorized SNAP retailers with EBT technology at the point-of-sale and streamlined accounting and settlement procedures for SNAP; to reduce the administrative costs of benefit issuance; and to reduce fraud and SNAP benefit trafficking associated with the paper benefit issuance process.

  • Special for Veterans

    The Office For Veterans Workforce Development is a valuable resource to help Veterans and is part of the Connecticut Department of Labor.

  • SNAP - Employment and Training

    SNAP E&T is a work program designed to help SNAP recipients gain skills that will help increase self-sufficiency.

  • Programs and Services
  • Child Support

    The mission of the Office of Child Support Services within the Connecticut Department of Social Services is to improve the well-being of children, promote the self-sufficiency of families, and deliver quality child support services, with recognition that to grow and thrive children require the financial, medical, and emotional support of both parents, regardless of their living situation or relationship.

  • HUSKY Health - Medicaid and Children's Health Insurance Program

    HUSKY Health is the State of Connecticut’s public health coverage program for eligible children, parents, relative caregivers, elders, individuals with disabilities, adults without dependent children, and pregnant women.

  • Partners and Vendors
  • Energy Assistance - Winter Heating - Vendor Information

    The department will continue to use information from the Oil Price Information Service (OPIS) to determine the daily Fixed Margin Price, which will be used to pay oil vendors making deliveries to CEAP households. The Fixed Margin Price is based on the daily New Haven Rack Average OPIS price for low sulfur distillate heating oil, plus a fixed margin of 35 cents per gallon. 

  • Medicaid Hospital Reimbursement

    The Office of Reimbursement and Certificate of Need (CON) is responsible for establishing Medicaid reimbursement methodologies for inpatient services, outpatient hospital services, Disproportionate Share Hospital (DSH) payments and hospital supplemental payments. 

  • Request For Proposals - Quotations - Applications

    A listing of current Request For Proposals, Quotations and Applications.

  • Request For Proposals - RFP Archive

    A listing of closed Request For Proposals, Quotations and Applications. 
