Connecting People and Services
Initiative to improve coordination between human service organizations and outcomes for people who need our help.
The Vision For Connecticut's Human Services Infrastructure
In the system we envision, people would be able to get help that felt like help when they needed it and access concrete resources to support their efforts toward improved self-sufficiency.
The vision is for a coordinated system of services that people can access easily – whether or not they are Department of Social Services clients.
People who are not DSS clients would find services in the community to assist them to live better lives.
Those who need help that DSS can give, would arrive at the door better prepared to receive that help.
If those seeking services are in DSS’s time-limited program and they have barriers to success, those barriers would be discovered and ameliorated so that twenty-one months would be enough time to build a foundation for success. Clients would leave the system employed and informed about services in the community to help them maintain independence, connect to helpful resources, build assets, and grow with their community.
The information and referral system that supports people of all income levels during times of need, assists them to find help, and prepares them to efficiently use available resources.
The vision focuses on a social service system that is coordinated, outcome conscious and adequately funded. The system would consist of non-profit, municipal, state, federal, corporate, volunteer, faith-based, and university based resources. The system would be responsive to people within their cultural context, and sufficiently flexible to meet emergent needs.
Service providers and consumers will help inform the direction of state agency discretionary funding during periods of critical need, and help review the effectiveness of those services which are funded.