Aquatic Pest Control Certification

Certification Requirements
Areas to Study
Reference Material for Aquatic Pest Control Examination
Permit Information

Certification Requirements
All professional aquatic weed control specialists must be certified by the Department of Energy and Environmental Protection (DEEP). In addition to being supervised by a certified applicator, all professional aquatic treatments must be accompanied by an approved permit. 

Areas to Study
Applicants for the aquatic weed control certification are expected to possess a working knowledge of the kinds of operations performed in aquatic pest control and the reasons for performing them. Applicants should be able to: 

  1. identify the plants listed below:
Types of Plants that Applicant Should be Able to Identify
Algae:  planktoni, filamentous Spatterdock (Nuphar advena)
Arrowhead Stonewarts:  Chara spp, Nitella spp
Bladderwort (Utricularia spp.) Yellow Pond Lily (Spatterdock)
Bushy Pondweed (Najas spp.) Watermeal (Wolffia spp.)
Cattail Watermilfoil (Myriophyllum spp.)
Coontail Watershield (Braseia shreberi)
Duckweed (Lemna spp.) Watersmartweed (Pologonum spp.)
Elodea (American Waterweed) Waterstargrass (Heteranthera dubia)
Floating Leaf Pondweeds (Potamogeton spp.) White Water Lily
  1. demonstrate practical knowledge of the secondary effects which can be caused by improper application rates, incorrect formulation and faulty application of aquatic pesticides;
  2. demonstrate practical knowledge of various water use situations and the potential of downstream effects;
  3. demonstrate practical knowledge concerning pesticide effects of plants, fish, birds, beneficial insects and other non-target organisms which may be present in aquatic environments;
  4. demonstrate a practical knowledge of the specialized equipment and application techniques in aquatic weed control;
  5. demonstrate a working knowledge of the nature and effects of the herbicide formulations used, including but not limited to:
  • Copper sulfate 2,4-D
  • Cutrine (liquid & granular)
  • Diquat
  • Endothall  (liquid & granular);
  1. demonstrate a practical knowledge of the principles of limited area application, biological weed control, mechanical and cultural weed control; and
  2. demonstrate knowledge of pertinent laws and regulations concerning aquatic weed control.
Reference Material for Aquatic Pest Control Examination
  1. Required and Additional Study Materials for Pesticide Supervisors

  2. Nuisance Aquatic Vegetation Manual, (PDF)

  3. “Aquatic Pest Control Training Manual – Category 5”  Available from: the Cornell University Cooperative Extension

  4. “Aquatic Pest Control – U.S. Environmental Protection Agency”   Available from:  Department of Energy and Environmental Protection, Pesticide Management Program, 79 Elm Street, Hartford, CT 06106-5127.

Permit Information
The Connecticut General Statutes prescribe that a permit from DEEP is required for the introduction of chemicals into the waters of the state for control of aquatic vegetation, fish populations and other aquatic organisms.  

  1. Who must get a permit?
    An individual, corporation, municipality, governmental agency, or licensed aquatic weed control specialist must have a written permit issued by the Pesticide Management Program of DEEP to apply chemicals to waters of Connecticut.

  2. Are there any exceptions?
    A water supply utility does not need a permit to use copper sulfate for control of algae in its water supply waters.  Normal, emergency or experimental operations of DEEP or the State Department of Public Health (DPH) do not require permits.

  3. Where can I obtain additional information about the permit?
    View the Aquatic Pesticide Application Permit Fact Sheet.

  4.  How do I apply for a permit?
    Submit the required documents:  Permit Application for Use of Pesticides in State Waters (DEP-PEST-APP-200) including supporting documentation such as a USGS topographic quadrangle map (8 ½" x 11" copy or original); and Applicant Compliance Information (DEP-APP-002), Request for Natural Diversity Data Base State Listed Species Review (DEP-APP-007), and Coastal Consistency Review Form (DEP-APP-004) (Word Form, PDF, Instructions), if required. 

For more information, please call the Pesticide Management Program at (860) 424-3369 or email or write to:

Department of Energy and Environmental Protection
Bureau of Materials Management and Compliance Assurance
Pesticide Management Program
79 Elm Street
Hartford, CT 06106-5127

TopPesticide Certification

Content Last Updated on November 27, 2018