How do I apply for the role of State Poet Laureate?
COA invites poets who are nominated to submit an application for consideration. We’ll ask you to:
- Complete a State Poet Laureate Application e-form
- Provide a work sample - original poetry document upload
- Upload a 1- or 2-page resume
State Poet Laureate Application e-form
We recommend you prepare for this form by writing your answers offline so you can copy and paste them into the form. Be ready to:
- Provide a link to your website (if available)
- Provide links to professional social media sites (if available)
- List four readings/engagements where you have performed/presented original poetry in the last two years. Note each venue, the approximate number of people who attended, and their overall demographics. You may also provide links if available.
- Summarize your experience at these readings and engagements. (150-word limit)
- Describe what you hope to achieve with your readings and engagements as the CT State Poet Laureate. Consider how your aspirations align with COA's READI values. (250 word limit)
- Describe why you would like to serve as the CT State Poet Laureate why now is the right time for you. (250 word limit)
- Describe what would you like to accomplish during your three year term as the CT State Poet Laureate. (250 word limit)
Work Sample
- Upload original poetry you created recently (in the past 2-3 years). Your upload should be a PDF file up to 20 pages in length.
- Applicants are encouraged to include a video/audio link of a poetry reading.
- Summarize your work sample and why you chose it for this application. (200 word limit)
We’ll also ask you to upload a 1- or 2-page resume. Your resume should include career accomplishments as a poet.
Return to the Poet Laureate Overview page.