Waterfront Development
Find environmental support, brownfield assistance and other programs to maximize the economic impact of our deep-water ports and small harbors.
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Find links to presentations from the 2016 Brownfield Client Workshop.
Find assistance, coordination and additional help with expediting permits and approvals.
Find bidding, contracting, and construction guidelines for professional services and project planning.
Project Could Turn Region Into a “Destination,” Officials Say
Update on the plans for the former Norwich Hospital project
Property Transfer Brings Cleanup Of Polluted Factory Site In Southington One Step Closer
Cleanup work will soon start at the former Beaton & Corbin factory site, a polluted 3-acre parcel on North Main Street where a developer plans to build a 13,000-square-foot office complex once the land is usable.
Find options and resources related to the remediation of polluted properties.
Small Town Economic Assistance Program (STEAP)
Learn about STEAP fund usage, eligibility, find an application and view success stories.
State Announces $7.9M in Grants to Clean Up Brownfield Sites
The state is providing $7.9 million in grants to 14 cities and towns to clean up and redevelop brownfield sites.
Creating a downtown revitalization and enhancement project which has developed Mansfield downtown into a vibrant and economically successful mixed use development known as Storrs Center.
Find support and services to assist with community development projects and planning.
Targeted Brownfield Development Loan Program
Apply for brownfield loan financing or learn more about eligibility, usage criteria and loan forgiveness.
Learn more about this program offering financing to fund Brownfield redevelopment projects through future property taxes.
Transit-Oriented Development & Responsible Growth
Learn more about efforts to fund transit programs that will improve economic development while demonstrating responsible growth.
Transit-Oriented Development Fund
Learn more about these competitive grant programs that provide funding for municipalities and regional councils of government.
The remediated property provides nearly 100,000 square feet of space within 4 buildings that are now used for brewing and tasting room operations, as well as storage and administrative office space.