
The Office of Brownfield Remediation and Development (OBRD) is a one-stop resource for brownfield redevelopment in Connecticut, providing financial and technical assistance to municipalities and economic development agencies as well as brownfield owners and potential developers. The mission of OBRD is to return brownfield sites across the state to productive re-use, including mixed-use, residential, commercial, industrial, retail and open space uses.
About Brownfields
Connecticut law defines a brownfield as “any abandoned or underutilized site where redevelopment, reuse or expansion has not occurred due to the presence or potential presence of pollution in the buildings, soil or groundwater that requires investigation or remediation before or in conjunction with the redevelopment, reuse or expansion of the property.” Brownfield sites exist in every corner of the state and in communities large and small. They range from former factories in urban centers to mills in the hearts of historic villages. In many cases, these sites have been abandoned or underutilized for decades, and in some cases for generations, principally because the costs of remediating contamination have made redevelopment economically infeasible. In many cases, the polluter is no longer a viable entity, and/or the pollution occurred before modern environmental laws were enacted.Access Project Support
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News & Announcements
NEW 01/10/2025: ROUND 21 – Funding Announcement – Application Deadline – Friday, March 7, 2025
- Remediation Grant Notice of Funding Availability - Round 21(RG)
- Assessment-Only Grant Notice of Funding Availability - Round 21(AO)
- Remediation Loan Notice of Funding Availability - Round 21(RL)
- Brownfield Area-wide Revitalization Program Grant Request for Applications – Round 21 (BAR5)
Round 21 Schedule:
Application Deadline |
Wed, March 5, 2025 @ noon |
Request for SharePoint folder (see Application Process) |
Friday, March 7, 2025 @ noon |
Deadline to submit or upload Application Package |
Round 21 Award Announcement |
June/July 2025 |
Award Announcements (tentative) |
NEW: Round 21 Presentations and Video Recordings
Assessment-only Grant Program Highlights - Video Recording | PowerPoint Presentation
Remediation/Limited-Assessment Grant and Loan Program Highlights - Video Recording | PowerPoint Presentation
BAR Planning Grant Program Highlights - Video Recording | PowerPoint Presentation
Previously Recorded Presentations:
Building your Redevelopment Project Capital Stack (a presentation from other public funding programs) - Presentation Video Recording
Public-Private Partnerships: Options available to brownfield developers and stakeholders - Presentation Video Recording
Explore Funding Opportunities / OBRD
Brownfield projects may be eligible for other state and federal financial incentives such as historic tax credits, urban renewal tax credits and other DECD administered programs. The Connecticut Office of Brownfield Remediation and Development (OBRD) can help municipalities and developers to identify all relevant programs for which a project might be eligible.
Without cleanup investment, brownfield sites will continue to languish as unproductive drags on the state’s economy. Funding sources include:
Brownfield Municipal Grant Program
Find eligibility, usage guidelines and information on how to apply for a Brownfield Municipal Grant.
Brownfield Targeted Brownfield Loan Program
Apply for brownfield loan financing or learn more about eligibility, usage criteria and loan forgiveness.
Brownfield Planning Grants
Learn more about grants available for the remediation and redevelopment of neighborhoods, districts, downtowns and other areas with multiple brownfields.
Latest Funding Rounds Announcements
Find links to press release announcements from the Governor's office.
Dry Cleaning Remediation Fund
Find out about grants available to address the unique concerns regarding pollution by dry cleaning establishments.
Brownfield redevelopment projects are complex and challenging and often go through multiple development plans and proposals. Here are few resources that can help:
OBRD Funding Process
Find links to presentations from the 2016 Brownfield Client Workshop.
Pre-Funding Assistance
Find pre-funding support and services to assist with community development projects and planning.
Post-Funding Assistance
Find post-funding resources to assist with community development projects.
Find links to brownfield programs within the Connecticut Department of Energy and Environmental Protection (DEEP).
Brownfield Remediation Standard Regulations (RSRs)
Find guidance and information on Connecticut’s remediation regulations.
Remediation Programs
Find options and resources related to the remediation of polluted properties.
Connecticut Certified Sites Program
This is a property identification and investment readiness program sponsored by AdvanceCT.
Liability Relief / Other Programs
Several programs have been set up to assist and incentivize the brownfields remediation and revitalization process, including:
Liability Relief Programs
Access relief programs for brownfield cleanup, remediation and revitalization.
Brownfield Land Bank Program
Brownfield Land Banks are nonstock corporations that advance the remediation and redevelopment of brownfield sites by providing specialized assistance to municipalities.
CT Brownfield Inventory Nomination
To have sites included in the CT Brownfield Inventory, fill out the form and send to binu.chandy@ct.gov
DECD State-Owned Brownfield Property List
The Office of Community Development has case studies showing a variety of success stories. See how funding, support programs and other services have already achieved success in Brownfields Redevelopment and Revitalization projects of all sizes and requirements.
Please email brownfields@ct.gov for more information.