The Legal Division

The staff of the Insurance Department Legal division provides legal advice and related services to the commissioner and the seven divisions of the Insurance Department on a broad spectrum of issues that arise in regulating the insurance industry and in providing services to the consumer. In doing so, the legal staff of this office drafts, monitors and analyzes legislation; drafts and promulgates regulations; and participates in department hearings involving rates, license enforcement, and acquisitions of domestic insurance companies.

The Legal division provides oversight of the insurance receivership and guaranty funds activity of the department and in doing so, keeps the staff of the Consumer Affairs Unit, and other Department staff, informed on developments so they may properly service the inquiries and complaints of consumers.

The Legal division staff does not provide legal advice or counsel to the public; legal services are provided only to the Commissioner and Department staff within each division.

Charitable Gift Annuities

Insurance Company Receiverships

Connecticut Domiciled Insurers and Interested Persons - The Insurance Commissioner's Communication concerning the USA PATRIOT Act of 2001 (04/11/02)

Service of Process

Insurance Department Organization and Rules of Practice (03/15/2016)
