Employee Rights to Continuation of Group Health Coverage
Through Federal COBRA and Connecticut State Continuation


Employees/group certificate holders who lose coverage due to a layoff, reduction of hours, leave of absence, or termination of employment (except for gross misconduct) can elect continuation of coverage.

Federal COBRA (businesses with 20 or more employees):

Employees covered under employer groups with 20 or more employees are granted the right to continue coverage subject to Federal COBRA provisions for 18 months.

Connecticut State Continuation (businesses with less than 20 employees):

Employees covered under Connecticut fully insured employer groups with less than 20 employees are exempt from the Federal COBRA law, but are protected under Connecticut state law.

Public Act 10-13 (Connecticut based fully insured employer plans of all sizes):

Effective May 5, 2010, Public Act 10-13 expanded the maximum continuation period for employees who elect continuation of health coverage to 30 months.  This change applies to employees covered under Connecticut fully insured small employer and large employer plans of any size.  Individuals who were covered under state or federal COBRA as of May 5, 2010, or individuals who experience a qualifying event on or after May 5, 2010 are impacted by this law.

Connecticut State Continuation Coverage


Federal COBRA