Study Materials for Pesticide Supervisors

Below are study materials that are needed for any of the supervisory exams. All of the information should be reviewed, there should be a focus on the category information given on each individual category page, the core manual and the statutes and regulations. 

Exam fee: $200

Exam retest fee: $200.
30 days must be waited between exam attempts

Required Study Materials:

  1. Applicable Cornell manual for the specific category (listed on specific category page)
  2. Pesticide Core Manual (National or Cornell)
  3. Pertinent Statutes and Regulations 
  4. Honeybee/Pollinator Materials 
  5. Laundry safety
  6. Groundwater Contamination

Additional Study Materials

Integrated Pest Management (IPM)

For more information please call the Pesticide Management Program at (860) 424-3369, or email 

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Content Last Updated on March 14, 2023