Editing Marketing Page from Content Editor

Editing the Marketing Page from the Content Editor is easy to do. Just follow these simple steps.

  1. Log into Sitecore. Once logged in, you will be directed to your Agency website landing page in Preview Mode.
  2. Using the Navigation Bar, navigate to the Marketing page you wish to edit.
    • If the Marketing page is your landing page, then select the Edit button in the Navigation Bar.
      Navigation Bar Edit button
    • If it is not, then select the > symbol after your Agency name to view a drop down of folders available. Keep drilling down until you come across the Marketing page you wish to edit, then select the edit button.
  3. OR select the Sitecore Sitecore Platform icon icon at the top of the page and open the Sitecore Dashboard.
  4. Select the Content Editor Content Editor icon icon.
  5. Navigate to your agency icon Agency name using the content tree structure.
    Content Editor - Quick Link Content Tree

  6. From there, select the folder icon _resources folder then the folder icon Agency Landing Page folder. The items with a yellow border are areas you can edit:
  • Agency Landing Page - Edit the Marketing banner and other page properties
  • 3 Featured boxes - Edit the featured box items
  • Agency Alert - Edit the Agency alert notice (displays on every page)
  • Quick Links (3 columns) - Edit the list of links (these will be called something different on your marketing page)
    • Interagency Drought Work Group
    • Press Releases
    • Resource Links

NOTE: When you have made your changes to the Marketing Page and saved them, you are ready to Preview and Publish the page.

Next: Edit Marketing Banner