Primary Navigation
Agency Navigation Overview
The Agency Navigation content is located in the Primary Navigation item and consists of three levels of navigation to modify:
1. Primary (Level 1)
2. Secondary (Level 2)
3. Tertiary (Level 3)
Displaying navigation on the website is a two-part process. First you will create the navigation item(s), then you will select them to display on the website.
NOTE: For tertiary links (level 3) links to display, the specific pages need to be created first to select them.
NOTE: The categories and sub-categories displayed in the footer are automatically pulled from the primary navigation. You can control what primary navigation doesn’t display in the footer by selecting the ‘HideInFooter’ checkbox from each navigation link item.
Access the Navigation
1. Navigate to the Primary Navigation folder from Content > Agency Name Here > Content modules > Primary Navigation Folder from the Content Tree.
2. Select the Primary Navigation item.
Add Primary Navigation Items
1. Right-click on the Primary Navigation item.
2. Insert the Primary Navigation Section option.
3. Name the navigation title.
4. Enter the Navigation title in the SectionTitle field.
5. Select the navigation URL.
a. Select the ‘Insert link’ to link to a page inside of Sitecore.
b. Select the ‘Insert external link’ to link to an off-site website.
6. For internal Sitecore links, select the page you want to link to.
a. There is no need to enter the navigation title in the ‘Description’ field.
7. Select the Insert button.
8. Scroll down further to the ‘HideInFooter’ checkbox.
a. Select this box if you do not want this primary navigation title to display in the footer.
b. If checked, any secondary navigation items listed under the navigation item will not display either.
9. Select the Save icon (top left in the Content Editor Ribbon).
Repeat steps 1-8 to create additional navigation links.
Add Secondary Navigation items
If you have secondary links you want displayed under a primary navigation title, follow these steps.
1. Right-click on the Primary Navigation item.
2. Insert the Primary Navigation Section option.
3. Name the secondary navigation title.
4. Enter the secondary navigation title in the SectionTitle field.
5. Select the secondary navigation URL.
a. Select the ‘Insert link’ to link to a page inside of Sitecore.
b. Select the ‘Insert external link’ to link to an off-site website.
6. For internal Sitecore links, select the page you want to link to.
a. There is no need to enter the navigation title in the ‘Description’ field.
7. Select the Insert button.
8. Scroll down further to the ‘HideInFooter’ checkbox.
a. Select this box if you do not want this secondary navigation title to display in the footer.
b. If the primary navigation item is already checked, there is no need to select the secondary navigation item too.
9. Select the Save icon (top left in the Content Editor Ribbon).
Repeat steps 1-8 to create additional secondary navigation links.
Add Tertiary Navigation items
If you have tertiary navigation links you want displayed under a secondary navigation title, follow these steps.
NOTE: For tertiary navigation links (level 3) links to display, the specific pages need to be created first to select them.
1. Select the Secondary Navigation item you want to add tertiary links to.
2. Scroll to the Level3Links under the Data section.
3. Expand the sections to select the pages to display.
a. Double-click the page title to move it to the ‘Selected’ box
4. Select all the pages you wish to display at this level.
5. Select the Save icon (top left in the Content Editor Ribbon).