Agency Footer
Agency Footer Overview
The Agency Footer content is located in the Agency Footer item and consists of four areas to modify:
1. Contact information
2. Contact Links
3. Other Links
4. Social Media Links
NOTE: The categories and sub-categories displayed in the footer are automatically pulled from the primary navigation. You can control what primary navigation doesn’t display here by selecting the ‘HideInFooter’ checkbox from each navigation link items.
TIP: This Footer is used globally on all pages. Internal pages can have their own Agency Footer as well with customized information except the Navigation links.
Access the Agency Footer
1. Navigate to the Agency Footer folder from Content > Agency Name Here > Content modules > Agency Footer Folder from the Content Tree.
2. Select the Agency Footer item.
Edit the Agency Site Address
1. Scroll to the Contact info section.
2. Enter the following information:
a. Contact Name: Agency Name
b. Contact Address: Agency Address
c. Contact Phone: Agency Phone
3. Scroll to the Data section.
4. Enter or modify the following fields:
a. Contact Us Label
b. Phone Label
c. Service Partners Label
5. Select the Save icon (top left in the Content Editor Ribbon).
6. Publish if no further changes need made.
Add Footer Links
1. Right-click on the Agency Footer title.
2. Insert the Agency Footer Link option.
3. Name the link title.
4. Enter the Link URL.
a. Select the ‘Insert link’ to link to a page insite of Sitecore.
b. Select the ‘Insert external link’ to link to an off-site website.
5. Enter the link title in the ‘Description’ field.
6. Select the Insert button.
7. Select the Save icon (top left in the Content Editor Ribbon).
8. Publish if no further changes need made.
Repeat steps 1-8 to create additional footer links.
Add Social Media Links
1. Right-click on the Agency Footer title.
2. Insert the Agency Footer Social Media Link option.
3. Name the Social Media link title.
4. Scroll to the Data section.
5. Select the Browse link to insert the Social Media item. The Select Media dialog box will appear.
6. Select the Social Media icon of choice.
7. Click the Select button.
8. Select the Save icon (top left in the Content Editor Ribbon).
Repeat steps 1-8 to create additional social media links.
Select Contact Links to Display
1. Select the Agency Footer item from the Content Tree.
2. Scroll to the Data section.
3. From the Contact Links ‘All’ field, select the footer links you want displayed on the footer.
a. Double-click the name to move it from the ‘All’ box to the ‘Selected’ box.
b. Select the up and down arrows to order them how you want displayed.
4. Select the Save icon (top left in the Content Editor Ribbon).
Select Other Links to Display
1. Select the Agency Footer item from the Content Tree.
2. Scroll to the Data section.
3. From the Service Partner Links ‘All’ field, select the footer links you want displayed on the footer.
a. Double-click the name to move it from the ‘All’ box to the ‘Selected’ box.
b. Select the up and down arrows to order them how you want displayed.
4. Select the Save icon (top left in the Content Editor Ribbon).
Select Social Media Links to Display
1. Select the Agency Footer item from the Content Tree.
2. Scroll to the Data section.
3. From the Service Partner Links ‘All’ field, select the footer links you want displayed on the footer.
a. Double-click the name to move it from the ‘All’ box to the ‘Selected’ box.
b. Select the up and down arrows to order them how you want displayed.
4. Select the Save icon (top left in the Content Editor Ribbon).