Home Page

Home Page Overview

The Home Page is the first page users access when visiting your agency website. You can build your page out using different sublayouts and inserting a variety of components to manage content and imagery.

The Home Page consists of five elements to modify:

1. Agency Banner
2. Navigation
3. Search
4. Multiple placeholders to insert/modify sublayouts and components into
5. Agency Footer

NOTE: Every page contains the following global elements, which can be modified from the Content modules folder:

1. Agency Banner (Home Hero Banner)
2. Agency Footer
3. Global Footer

Example Home Page
Home Page - Overview

Access the Home Page

1. From the Content Editor, navigate to the Home Page from Content > Agency Name Here > Home under the Content Tree.
Home Page - Access

2. The Home page also contains an _resources folder to add and modify components under. This can be viewed by expanding the Home item.
Home Page - Resources

Edit Home Page Metadata

1. Select the Home page in the Content Editor to view the page properties.

2. Scroll to the Metadata section in the Content Area and modify the Meta Data fields.
a. The Meta Title field automatically populates with the name of the Landing Page.
i. This field displays in the web browser tab and is used by search engines.
ii. Modify this field to improve search engine optimization (SEO).
b. The Meta Description and Meta Keywords can also be filled out to improve SEO better but are not primarily used search algorithms to improve ranking.
Home Page - Metadata

3. Select the Save Save icon icon (top left in the Content Editor Ribbon).

4. Preview your changes by selecting the Publish tab on the ribbon, then the Preview icon.

5. Publish the new Home Page when ready.

Edit Home Page _resources folder

Some component folders might already appear under the _resources folder, but you can add more if needed.
Home Page - Resources 2

1. Right-click on the _resources folder to view a dropdown of available components.
Home Page - Insert

2. Select the component folder you wish to add.

3. Follow the instructions on editing the component. (Refer to the component’s instruction document for further details.)

4. Select the Save Save icon icon (top left in the Content Editor Ribbon).

5. Preview your changes by selecting the Publish tab on the ribbon, then the Preview icon.
a. If you have not inserted the created component onto the Home page yet, follow the steps to editing the Home page in Experience Editor.

Editing the Homepage in Experience Editor

1. Right-click the Home page to view the dropdown options.

2. Select the Experience Editor icon.
Home Page - Access Experience Editor


From the Experience Editor, access the Home page using the Experience Editor Ribbon.
Home Page - Access Home

3. Select the ‘Edit’ icon in the ribbon to ensure the page is ready to be edited.
Home Page - Edit

4. Choose one of the empty grey placeholders to insert a sublayout into and select the Add here button.
Home Page - Add Sublayout

5. Select the sublayout container you want to use.
a. Full-Width
b. 9-3 sublayout
c. 8-4 sublayout
d. 6-6 sublayout
e. 4-4-4 sublayout
f. 3-3-3-3 sublayout
g. 3-9 sublayout
h. 4-8 sublayout
i. Dynamic Grid

Note: Refer to the specific placeholder document for details on each sublayout use.

Home Page - Select Rendering

6. Select the sublayout you just inserted, then select the Add here button to see what components are available to add.

Home Page - Select Rendering 2

Note: Refer to the specific component instructions for details on how to use each component.

7. Select the Save Save icon icon (top left in the Content Editor Ribbon).

8. Preview the Page.

9. Publish the page when ready.

TIP: It is easier to create and populate the needed components in the Content Editor first before adding them to the page in the Experience Editor.

Edit the Agency Banner (Home Hero Banner)

See the Agency Banner Instructions document – Access the Internal Page’s Agency Banners

Edit the Primary Navigation

See the Primary Navigation Instructions document – Access the Internal Page’s Primary Navigation

Edit the Search

See the Search Instructions document – Access the Homepage’s Agency Banners

Edit the Agency Footer

See the Agency Footer Instructions document – Access the Homepage’s Agency Banners