Rich Text

Insert a Rich Text Rendering
1. Choose a sublayout placeholder area to add the Rich Text rendering into.
a. Optimal sublayout will be a 4-4-4-sublayout if you wish it to display like example above.

Rich Text 2

2. Select the Rich Text tab, then select the Rich Text rendering.

Rich Text 3

3. Click the Select button. The Select Associated Content dialog box appears.

4. Select the Rich Text item, then select the Create link.

Rich Text 4

5. Enter the name of the Rich Text.

Rich Text 5

6. The Rich Text rendering will appear in the page, ready to edit.

Rich Text 6

Edit a Rich Text Item

The Rich Text rendering is made up of:
• Title
• Text

1. Click on the Rich Text Title to change it.
Rich Text 7

2. Click on the Rich Text Description to add content.
a. You can add/modify content directly on the page and add basic styling, links, images.
Rich Text 8

b. You can select the pencil icon to launch the Rich Text Editor for more editing capabilities.
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c. The Rich Text Editor allows you to add content, hyperlinks, images, tables, etc.
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d. After content is added, select the Accept button to exit the Rich Text Editor.

3. Save your changes.

Example of Rich Text when completed:

Rich Text 11 This view displays in the following sublayouts:
• 3-3-3-3-Sublayout
• 4-4-4-Sublayout
• 4-8-Sublayout (in the larger area)
• 8-4-Sublayout (in the larger area)
• 6-6-Sublayout (Optimal)
• Full-Width-Sublayout
• Mobile view