Link List Group Component

Link List Group Overview

A Link List Group is multiple Link Lists grouped together into a single component. It allows you to display one or more Link Lists, along the Link List title, description, and a global link that directs the visitor to more resources.
Link List Group Overview

The group of links are displayed through the Link List Group component and consists of up to seven elements to modify:

1. Link List Title
2. Link List Description
3. Link List Selection
4. Link item Title
5. Link Item URL
6. CTA Title
7. CTA Link

Access the Link List Group Component

1. Navigate to the Link List Collection Folder from Content > Agency Name Here > Content modules > Link List Collection Folder from the Content Tree.

Link List Group Folder


2.Navigate to the _resources folder under the page.

  • If it does not exist, insert a Link List Collection Folder.

Link List Collection Folder Insert

Create a Link List Group Component
Step 1 - Create a Link List Group Item

1. Right-click on the Link List Collection Folder and choose Insert > Link List Group.
Link List Group Insert

2. Name the Link List Group item and select OK.
Link List Group Name

3. Enter the following properties from the Link Group:
a. Enter the Link List Group Title.
b. Enter the Link List Group Description.
Link List Group Title

c. Navigate and select the Link Lists you wish to display under the Link List Group component.
i. If they have not been created yet, follow Step 2 – Create a Link List Item
ii. Tip: Double-click the Link List item from the ‘All’ box to move it to the ‘Selected’ box or select the > symbol to move it.
Link List Group Selector

4. Select the Save icon (top left in the Content Editor Ribbon).

5. Publish the item when ready.

Step 2 - Create a Link List Item

1. Right-click on the Link List Group folder and choose Insert > Link List.
Link List Group Link List Insert

2. Name the Link List title.
Link List Name

3. Enter the name of the Link List Title.
Link List Title

4. Enter the Link List’s Global URL.
a. Select the ‘Insert link’ to link to a page in Sitecore.
b. Select the ‘Insert media link’ to link to a document file in Sitecore.
c. Select the ‘Insert external link’ to link to an item outside of Sitecore.
Link List Hyperlink Options

i. For internal Sitecore links, select the page you want to link. There is no need to enter the navigation title in the ‘Description’ field.
Link List Link Selection

5. Select the Insert button.

6. Insert the Link List’s Global Link description.
Link List Link Description

7. Select the Save icon (top left in the Content Editor Ribbon).

Step 3 - Create a Link Item

1. Right-click on the Link List Collection Folder item.

2. Insert the Links List option.
Link LIst Item

3. Name the Link Item title.
Link List Name

4. Enter the name of the Link Title.
Link List LInk Title

5. Enter the Link’s Hyperlink.
a. Select the ‘Insert link’ to link to a page in Sitecore.
b. Select the ‘Insert media link’ to link to a document file in Sitecore.
c. Select the ‘Insert external link’ to link to an item outside of Sitecore.
Link List Hyperlink Options

i. For internal Sitecore links, select the page you want to link. There is no need to enter the navigation title in the ‘Description’ field.
Link List Link Selection

6. Select the Insert button.

7. Select the Save icon (top left in the Content Editor Ribbon).

Repeat steps 1-7 to create additional Links that display on the Link List component.

Insert the Link List on the Page

1. From the Experience Editor, insert a sublayout on the page.
Link List Component

2. Select the sublayout container you want to insert the Link List Group component into.
a. This component is available on following sublayouts:
i. Full-Width
ii. 9-3 sublayout (9 & 3 container)
iii. 8-4 sublayout (8 & 4 container)
iv. 6-6 sublayout
v. 4-4-4 sublayout
vi. 3-3-3-3 sublayout
vii. Dynamic Grid sublayout

3. Select the Link List tab, then select the Link List Group component.

4. Select the Select button.
Link List Group Component Select

5. A dialog box appears with the Link List Group items you created to select from.

6. Select the appropriate List Link Group item and select OK.

Note: This example shows a Link List under the Link List Collection Folder found under the Content Modules folder where Link Lists can be created to share on other pages.
Link List Group Select

7. The List Link component will display on the page.
Link List Group Overview

8. Select the Save icon (top left in the Experience Editor Ribbon).

9. Publish the page when ready.