COVID-19 Mortgage Relief
If you are experiencing financial hardship due to COVID-19, the federal government is offering relief options to homeowners through the recently passed CARES Act.
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Environmental Impact Evaluations for State Projects
State agencies must identify and evaluate the impacts of proposed state actions, including state grants for municipal or private construction projects, which may significantly affect the environment. Notices of such proposed actions are required to be published in the Environmental Monitor and provide opportunity for public review and comment.
Agency: Council on Environmental QualityEnvironmental Justice means that all people should be treated fairly under environmental laws regardless of race, ethnicity, culture or economic status. The environmental justice movement has emerged in response to a growing body of evidence nationally and statewide indicating that low-income, racial and ethnic minority groups may be exposed to higher than average amounts of environmental pollution.
Agency: Department of Energy and Environmental ProtectionEnvironmental Permits and Licenses
The state issues various permits and licenses around land and environment use and waste disposal. Access forms, instructions and guidance on land and water use and waste and materials management.
Agency: Department of Energy and Environmental ProtectionAgriculture is one of the state's most vital businesses. To protect this industry, the Department of Agriculture (DOAG) offers a voluntary program that preserves farmland by placing a permanent restriction on all non-agricultural usage. Get more information about how the program works and read about the application process.
Agency: Connecticut Department of AgricultureConnecticut administers a variety of fishery management programs ensuring a diversity of inland and marine species. Public awareness and educational programs create an understanding and appreciation of these programs and our aquatic resources and habitats.
Agency: Department of Energy and Environmental ProtectionFloodplain management information including floodplain construction, FEMA, flood insurance and mitigation planning.
Agency: Department of Energy and Environmental ProtectionView the daily forest fire danger report. The report, issued by the Department of Energy & Environmental Protection's (DEEP) Forest Fire Control Office, offers forest fire prevention tips and more information about Connecticut's woodlands including when it is safe and permissible to conduct open burns.
Agency: Department of Energy and Environmental ProtectionConnecticut's forests and trees add immensely to the quality of life for the people of the state. They filter the air that we breathe, safeguard private and public drinking water sources, produce locally grown forest products, provide essential habitat for wildlife, and moderate summer and winter temperatures near homes. They also provide a spectacular annual display of fall color across our landscape.
Agency: Department of Energy and Environmental ProtectionConnecticut businesses can access "going green" information, from general resources, purchasing recommendations, green building, transportation, waste and recycling. Information is also available on permitting and compliance.
Agency: Department of Energy and Environmental ProtectionNo matter where you live, you can prevent pollution, save money, and protect the environment and your health through the choices you make every day. Learn about household alternatives to toxic products and managing household hazardous waste. Find information on green building and renovation.
Agency: Department of Energy and Environmental ProtectionA Greenways is a corridor of open space that may protect natural resources, preserve scenic landscapes and historical resources or offer opportunities for recreation or non-motorized transportation. Come explore Connecticut's Greenways.
Agency: Department of Energy and Environmental ProtectionDiscover tips for before, during, and after a hurricane to ensure your family stays safe in the event of a hurricane.
Agency: Division of Emergency Management and Homeland SecurityInvasive species (plants, animals and other organisms) exhibit an aggressive growth habitat and can out-compete and displace native species. Learn more about invasive species such as Emerald Ash Borer (EAB), Asian Longhorned Beetle (ALB), and Phragmites australis.
Agency: Department of Energy and Environmental ProtectionLand Trusts are private, non-profit organizations dedicated to land conservation.
Agency: Department of Energy and Environmental ProtectionThe decisions we make today about how we use land are among the most important environmental issues facing Connecticut.
Agency: Department of Energy and Environmental Protection