Come Explore Connecticut's Greenways
"Greenway" means a corridor of open space that (1) may protect natural resources, preserve scenic landscapes and historical resources or offer opportunities for recreation or nonmotorized transportation, (2) may connect existing protected areas and provide access to the outdoors, (3) may be located along a defining natural feature, such as a waterway, along a man-made corridor, including an unused right-of-way, traditional trail routes or historic barge canals or (4) may be a greenspace along a highway or around a village. (CGS section 23-100)
Annual Greenways Awards - Join us on June 2, 2023 at Hammonasset Beach State Park in conjunction with CT Trails Day. The CT Greenways Council will announce newly designated CT Greenways and present awards to honor group and individual achievements.
The CT Trails Symposium - The Symposium is an annual conference which will take place on October 13, 2023 in Torrington, CT. Attendees are offered opportunities to make connections with each other and ask questions of experts covering various topics including planning, design, construction, maintenance, mapping, diversifying users, and volunteer management.
You can also view selected presentations from past events held at Middlesex Community College and Goodwin College.
Nominate Your Greenway for Official Designation - The Connecticut Greenways Council solicits nominations continuously for official state greenway designation. Potential applicants are welcome to submit proposals anytime to allow for discussions with CGC members and facilitation of new greenway designations when appropriate.
Content updated May 2023