Connecticut Greenways Council

Members of the Connecticut Greenways Council are appointed by the Governor and the leaders of the General Assembly. Their duties include advising and assisting in the coordination of state agencies, municipalities, regional planning organizations and private citizens in voluntarily planning and implementing a system of greenways; providing assistance to state agencies, municipalities, regional planning organizations and private citizens in the technical aspects of planning, designing and implementing greenways, including advice on securing state, federal and nongovernmental grants; advising DEEP on selection of CT Recreational Trails Program grants; and establishing criteria for designation of greenways.  Many Council members have had direct experience with trail and greenway development, and they can provide valuable insight into the development of successful local and regional projects.

Council Members

Lois Bruinooge - Executive Director, The Last Green Valley
Paula Burton - New England Mountain Biking Association
Stacey Stearns - CT Horse Council & Water Trails
Robert Dickinson - South Windsor Walk and Wheel Ways; Bike Walk CT
R. Bruce Donald (Chair) - Tri-State Coordinator, East Coast Greenway
Clare Cain - CT Forest & Park Assoc.
Gillian Carroll - Eversource Energy
William D. O'Neill - East Coast Greenways Alliance (former Chair)
Rista Malanca - (Vice Chair) Naugatuck River Greenway
Cathy Hagadorn - CT Audubon Society, Deer Pond Farm Director
Marc Weinbergh - East Hartford resident
Anna Bergeron, DOT Planning Division - Ex-Officio Member
Kimberly Bradley (DEEP Liaison) - Ex-Officio Member

Council Member Contact Information (PDF)

Council Meetings

The CT Greenways Council meetings are open to the public. The Council meets at 9:00 am on the 2nd Tuesday of each month (except August, and December) virtually. Contact Kimberly Bradley, DEEP Trails and Greenways Coordinator, to be added to the meeting announcement distribution list at

The 2025 meeting dates are:

January 14
February 11
March 11
April 8
May 13
June 10
July 8
August – no meeting
September 9
October 14
November 11
December – no meeting

Event Dates: 

The 26th Annual Greenways Awards will be held on Friday, June 6, 2025. Further event details will be posted in the spring.

Planning is in progress for the 7th Annual Connecticut Trail Symposium. If you are interested in supporting the Planning Committee, please reach out.

Contact Kimberly Bradley, DEEP Trails and Greenways Coordinator, at

Archive of meeting minutes

Content last updated January 2025