COVID-19 Mortgage Relief
If you are experiencing financial hardship due to COVID-19, the federal government is offering relief options to homeowners through the recently passed CARES Act.
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Connecticut Mosquito Management Program
The Connecticut Mosquito Management Program, a collaborative effort of five state agencies, is responsible for monitoring and managing the state's mosquito population to reduce the potential public health threat of mosquito-borne diseases. It uses a combination of education, surveillance, source reduction, larval and adult mosquito control and personal protective measures.
Agency: Department of Energy and Environmental ProtectionThe state conducts a variety of research and management programs to protect and restore endangered, threatened and special concern species in Connecticut. Hundreds of environmental reviews are conducted each year to determine the impact of proposed development projects on state listed species and to help landowners conserve the state's biodiversity.
Agency: Department of Energy and Environmental ProtectionConnecticut administers a variety of fishery management programs ensuring a diversity of inland and marine species. Public awareness and educational programs create an understanding and appreciation of these programs and our aquatic resources and habitats.
Agency: Department of Energy and Environmental ProtectionConnecticut's forests and trees add immensely to the quality of life for the people of the state. They filter the air that we breathe, safeguard private and public drinking water sources, produce locally grown forest products, provide essential habitat for wildlife, and moderate summer and winter temperatures near homes. They also provide a spectacular annual display of fall color across our landscape.
Agency: Department of Energy and Environmental ProtectionInvasive species (plants, animals and other organisms) exhibit an aggressive growth habitat and can out-compete and displace native species. Learn more about invasive species such as Emerald Ash Borer (EAB), Asian Longhorned Beetle (ALB), and Phragmites australis.
Agency: Department of Energy and Environmental ProtectionConnecticut is a state rich with natural resources and a great diversity of habitat, landscapes, plant life, and wildlife.
Agency: Department of Energy and Environmental ProtectionNuisance and Distressed Wildlife
Information about what to do if you find an animal in need of help, how to locate a wildlife rehabilitator and how to prevent damage and conflicts with wildlife.
Agency: Department of Energy and Environmental ProtectionFind information about Connecticut's wildlife, habitat management and interactions with wildlife. Learn about different animals that are found in our state, what to do if you encounter a bear and more.
Agency: Department of Energy and Environmental ProtectionLearn about Bears, Coyotes, Snapping Turtles and other Connecticut wildlife.
Agency: Department of Energy and Environmental Protection